Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our four month old Goldendoodle is doing great. Only one accident in the crate since we got her two months ago. We're still trying to get her to tell us when she has to go out. While she certainly barks her fair share, she hasn't been great about telling us when she has to go out (I'm guessing it's too late for the "bells" at this point). We're in a second floor apartment with an indoor stairway, so she will run off to the landing above the stairs, which is her way of telling us she has to go. The problem is, she's not being vocal about it so sometimes we miss it.


Any suggestions? We've tried knocking on the door, etc. to get her to bark once she runs over to the landing but haven't had much luck. We're up for trying anything.



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I don't think it is too late for Poochie Bells.  It did take my pup 2 weeks to figure it out though.  My youngest dood learned by watching her "sister" and picked it up in a couple days.

Knocking on the door won't teach her to might teach her to knock on the door though..LOL.  It is not too late for the bells and I think you should try them.   I am having the same issue with Wilson though.  Murphy uses the bells and has since he was 11 weeks old.  Wilson has not learned to use them yet and like your puppy Wilson is not communicating with us.  My vet says that some dogs don't ever communicate their need to go out...they just get on a schedule and hold it the rest of the time.  At 4 months they can't hold it though.

I would give the bells a try.

poochie bells for sure. These puppies are smart and will figure it out. Although don't be surprise if it is also used to go out and play with sticks and chase bugs.Lilly is pretty good about ringing them to go poop and make this noise like..I MEAN IT NOW. She doesn't do it to go pee yet, so I watch her and when she heads for the kitchen, I take her out. good luck. She does have a plastic tray that she pees in if I don't read her signs and hasn't had any accidents on the floors for a few weeks.
Definitely not too late for the bells.  We started using them right off the bat with Axl but recommended them to someone in his puppy obedience class. Their dog was 5 months old & picked it up pretty quick.  At first it might seem like a game to them, but they get the hang of it.  Sometimes Axl will go to the door and not ring the bells so we take his paw & ring the bells for him, just to keep the habit reinforced.  He gets lazy now in his ripe old age of 8 months!
Never too late for bells.  Lucy is 2 years old and Ethel is 1 year old.  They just learned to use them a week ago (only took a couple times), and they are ringing them constantly to go outside. 
I don't think it's too late for bells.  It took Halas awhile to understand, but then it just clicked one day.  I think bells are your best bet.
Ruby is almost 4 months and we have her her for almost 2 and she is not vocal to go either. She just walks to the door.
that Ruby is one smart girl. Lilly talks about everything and mostly when I am on the phone because she thinks I am talking to her.

Our 4 month old doodle isn't very clear at telling us either. I was wondering about the bells, too. Our issue is that our doodle doesn't have regular access to the outside door because she is limited to a couple rooms in the house for free roaming and the outside door isn't part of them.


Wondering what we can do, too. . .

just wanted to let everyone know that Lilly now uses her bells to go out and go pee. I am as proud of her as I was of my son when at 3 he quit wetting his pants. 'We did bribe him with a disneyland trip and he was dry over night.. but still.
My question is how do you teach your puppy to use the bells? We have them and I was so exctied to train her to use them but it just has not worked out... she shows NO interest in them! What do you say when you have her ring them and also nose or paw? Thanks!


they are hanging onthe back door and everytime we go out we say "ring the bell, go outside to be good girl"  if we are going for a ride or walk "ring the bell to go ouside and go for a ride (or walk).

At first she was so little she couldn't ring the bell, so I would pick her up and touch her nose to it. then she would right the bell anytime she wanted to go out to explore.. she still does this but not as much. now at 16 wks, she has it down. she just goes up and touchs the bell with her nose and sits and waits forme to put her leash on.. unless it is a I HAVE TO GO OUT AND POOP RIGHT NOW. then she will ring the belland come and look at me and go back and ring it again. I still have her tray in the kitchen just in case, but she hasn't used it for a few days.

she will get it.. hang in there.



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