Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We went to the Sandy Hook Romp last weekend. Some of the doodles had burrs in their paws but my girls didn't.
This has been a horrific week for our family - my daughter's best friend passed away suddenly Saturday night. I have known this woman for 15 years. I have been so heartbroken. They knew that their DM was not in a good place so they sat along side me most of week just being quiet. When they knew I needed to change gears they made me play ball. We played ball everyday and they were both fine.
Wednesday I noticed Samantha licking her front right paw. After awhile I stopped her licking but she kept going back to it. This just wasn't like her. She never licks her feet. I looked at it, didn't see or feel anything but it was late and I guess my brain and eyes didn't connect.
Thursday she was back at it. I looked again; she did have a little knot of hair that I clipped off. She was happy after that and didn't bother her paw again. She ran, played ball and wrestled with Charli.
Until later that night - upon real close examination, I noticed a big, black, long 'something' attached to the skin between the paw pads. It didn't look like hair so panic set in - melanoma! It was so big and hard. I was just beside myself. Not ever but certainly not this week.
Went to our vet appointment this morning. Vet takes a look - she isn't sure what it is but she left the room and came back with clippers. Really? she is going to shave off a tumor??? WTH is wrong with this woman? This is supposed to be a top notch accredited vet hospital - which I why I bite the bullet and pay $85 just to walk in the door.
Whatever it was it came off in 2 swipes of the clipper. Turns out it was a hard mat that looked like a tumor. It stunk! The licking Samantha did was due to both bacterial and fungal infections - it was not the mat that was bothering her. She will be on both oral meds and medicated wipes for her feet for 3 weeks until we go back for more.
The lesson I share with you it to check between the paw pads, keep the hair short and don't panic until you know for sure you need to.
Wow - you have surely had a rough time. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dd's friend - and sorry for your scare. I'm not one to do my own grooming - I can barely comb my own hair - but I'm thankful that the boys groomer keeps that foot hair nice and short. Rooney stepped in gum once and started the licking of the foot thing, what a mess that was. Glad it wasn't something more serious for you!
So sorry to hear the sad news, but glad the pup is OK. Maybe she picked something up at the beach when she romped around--could have stepped on some dead stuff from the surf.
I have been finding a lot of mats between the toes of my dogs and the others I groom--more than usual. I think it is because of all the wet weather we have been having.
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