Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Almost every single time I am out with Lucy and Ethel, people will come up and ask if Lucy is a labradoodle or goldendoodle.  Once I tell them she is a goldendoodle, they then ask if Ethel is a poodle.  When I explain that she too is a goldendoodle I get this puzzled look and they say they have never seen a white one.  I then go on to educate them and tell them that they come in any color a poodle would come, brown, apricot, white, cream, dark red...etc. 

I was surprised how many people don't know this.  This conversation takes place at least once a week.  We need to get the word out that goldendoodles are not just golden!


Has anyone else been questioned about their color and breed?

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I feel your pain on the bichon part-people are so......anyway, because of their totally different hair we get asked if they are the same breed and we say yes and they say hugh!

People ask me if Andy is an IRISH WOLFHOUND!


We think he may be a goldendoodle. The shelter said he was a GIANT Poodle.

Someone asked me that last week. I had to laugh. I met a 6 month old Irish Wolfhound recently and he was at least as tall as Kona, maybe taller.
I never got that question when it was just Murphy (although I get asked all the time if he is a wheaten terrier) but now that I have Wilson and he is red........I get the "I didn't know they came in that color" comment all the time!
I get asked if Teddy is a wheaton terrier. He's blonde, and people are so surprised when I tell them he has black siblings. They can't believe a goldendoodle can be black. His mom is a black poodle.

Oh, yeah, the red color really throws people. I think the strangest question I got about my red mini-labradoodle is "is that a miniature golden retriever"? or "Is that a golden retriever puppy?" Huh? There is so much incorrect information--they really can come in just about any color--but people think they are a purebred dog and there must be rules about color--NOPE! And don;t we just love that? Of course, there are breeders out there that are not helping when they say that they are selling "purebred australian labradoodles".

...and the Aussies have Wheaten Terrier in them.  Let's face it, we all have designer MUTTS.  But they are the best mutts on earth.

I wouldn't have another "Pure Bred". (Although my Seamus is  a Standard Poodle" I'll make an exception for him.)
All of the time! Kona is dark pewter. Owen is strawberry sort of. Hard to describe. First people ask if they are labradoodles. I say, No, they are Goldendoodles. They then say Oh what's that one? Pointing at Kona. It's a long explanation since they are also half brothers. People just can't make it compute. We tell them that Kona's mother was a black poodle, knowing full well that it doesn't matter since all of his sibling were white, but it seems to help strangers. ;o)

Well.... Sasha is a goldendoodle... but is more poodley than a poodle, she has the coloring of a golden but the hair is poodle all the way.  Poodle owners say she is apricot in poodle terms but you can see the widows peek coloring of the golden with the dark outlining the face and the very light color on the face.  As she gets older her coloring is becoming more prominent.

Lani, my Australian Labradoodle, is a very pretty cream / golden color and I get asked constantly if she's a Goldendoodle and I say nope she's a Labradoodle and everyone seems surprised.  I don't know why they think Goldendoodles must be gold.  There's a Goldendoodle that lives one town over from me and he's jet black!
The question we always get is if Dex and Kirby are from the same litter.  We get quite a look when we say they aren't even the same poodle mix :)
Yep, I have a cream and a blk doodle. I get the same questions "are they both doodles? Then how did she end up black??"  I find myself explaining all the time lol



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