Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum






























As some of you know, we’ve been looking for another doodle for about 6 months now.   A shelter about an hour and a half from us posted the above dog on their website recently.  When I called to inquire about him, they told me he was a stray, he was about a year old, he seemed to like other dogs and they hadn’t had him around kids yet but that he seemed to like everyone and everything.   They said that he had an injury to his left eye and abrasions on his chest that their vet thought had probably been caused by him being hit by a car.  They told me that the injury to his eye had resulted in total loss of vision in that eye and that the vet said that the eye would have to be removed in the future if it caused further complications.  

We went to look at him the next day and fell in love with him even though it was obvious that whoever he lived with before never taught him any manners or did any obedience training with him.  (Knew zero commands and constantly jumped on and mouthed everyone.)  Once we got him home it was also obvious that no one had ever played with him (He didn’t know how to play with dog toys and the squeakers in the toys scared him.) and he had never been on a leash (He hops down the street on his back legs!  It’s quite embarrassing.).    

Even in the short time we've had him, he has adjusted quite well.  He loves playing with Cooper and they have become best buddies.  (See picture below).  Murphy quickly realized that dog toys are tons of fun as is chewing on bones, antlers, ropes, etc.  He seems very smart and is learning lots of basic commands and has stopped mouthing.   We are still working on the constant jumping on people and walking on a leash and we are trying to teach him an alternative to jumping on us and biting our clothing as his way of communicating he needs to go outside.  (I can't get him to learn "speak" to save my life.  He's also scared of Poochie Bells and a regular desk bell.)  Unfortunately his eye appears to be becoming more painful and keeps getting infected so the vet is recommending we have it removed.  The thought of having to put him through the surgery breaks my heart but I know it will be better for him.

So back to my original question………Poodle or Doodle?  I’ve gotten both opinions from all kinds of people (groomers, vets, vet techs, pet store employees and shelter staff).  Obviously it doesn’t matter to us, but it’s fun to guess. 

UPDATE: Took the advice and did a DNA test which indicates he is a pure bred miniature poodle.

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That picture of the two dogs together is priceless--Murphy looks so happy to be home. I'm guessing poodle, but whatever he is, he's beautiful. Congratulations!

Jennifer, he is just adorable! Thank you so much for adopting him and giving him the kind of life he deserves.

It's hard to tell, but I'd say poodle, and especially if his tail is docked.

He actually has a natural tail and still has his dew claws. When the shelter found him he was still intact. (They had him neutered before we adopted him) He's very sweet and seems to love everyone and he's house trained so I'm wondering why no one went looking for him when he became a stray.

Many years ago, we had a one-eyed cat.  Well, the eye was still there, just clouded over and sightless.  He was still a remarkable mouser, though I'm not sure how he did it without depth perception.  Hope all goes well when you do decide to have Murphy's surgery.

I had a one eyed cat too he was a stray and he got an infection and but the time
We got him his eye had atrophied behind the lid. Needless to say the loss
of one eye did not seem to phase him he was a prolific jumper and caught many a bird in our backyard. Murphy is adorable and I am
so happy he has found a forever home. 

First congratulations and OMD how special that you adopted him, issues and all.

Can't really tell what he is except CUTE! He seems a little small for a 1 year old, he looks younger to me.

He certainly has poodle but I think is muzzle is a little thick for full bred poodle, whatever he is a welcome member or your family and definitely of the DK family.

Love that he is all nuzzled up next to Cooper...a match made in heaven.

Awww . . . how sweet!!!!  He looks doodle-ish and lovable!  ENJOY!

Is his tail docked? 

Nope. Natural tail. Still has dew claws too. He's neutered now but was intact when he arrived at the shelter.

He's cute! You should do that dna test that someone else did on here!

Jennifer - congratulations and THANK YOU!  What a sweet baby!!!!  I'd like to just scoop him up and give him a squeeze.  Who cares what he is - he so darn cute and Cooper looks like he loves having a little brother.  Let us know how it goes if that eye has to be removed.

I'd say mini-poodle--but some doodles look just like mini-poodles, so who knows!!? He is a cutie and how WONDERFUL that he found you!! Love that!

My dad has one eye--lost the other as a child and is now almost 92--never bothered him except when he wanted to go into the Army during WWII--he didn't, as he was more valuable as a worker in the airplane factories here than he would be there--This little cutie will be just fine without it.

I do know someone who rescued a dog from the streets of Thailand and he has one eye--you just have to be careful when you come around his blind side that he doesn't get too startled. 



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