Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Perhaps next time you see him you could say "I'm sorry that feel that you must be rude to others and hurt their feelings. If you tried to smile and be nice to people you probably would feel better about yourself and people would want to talk to you."
Don't let an a$$ spoil your day!!!!
Have a good cry because you need it! It is obvious that that last straw has been enough for today. Then I would straighten yourself up and say wow I'm glad I handled that well. Poor old guy, he must really be miserable. Return at the next opportunity and completely ignore him. He is likely so miserable with everyone he won't even remember exactly who you are and what he was miserable with you about.
The other thing my aunt and I do when people have said and done things to us, we call each other up and tell each our conversations and then when we get through what the other person said, we tell each other, you should have said.......and we adlib the funniest, meanest, thing in response. You know how you always think of the funniest come backs AFTER the fact! Then the when we replay the incidents in our heads with the NEW responses inserted it is usually how we laugh it off thinking of what the other persons reaction would have been IF we had ACTUALLY said those things. By the time we're off the phone we are giggling like kids at our bold come backs (silently to the accused and well after the fact!)
I think that you did an awesome job of hanging in there! Not to worry, tomorrow you try again. If it were me, I would try to go when Mister Grumpy Pants wasnt there. This has nothing to do with your situation, but I remember living in the back country, we had a tiny little bridge to get to our house. I went to cross one spring day and there were all these men on the bridge. Apparently it was a prime time for snakes to come out and they would hang on the bridge or were just there to get across, i duuno,. But I happen to like snakes, at least that they eat the friggin mice that would try to invade my house. they were using them for shooting practice. I stopped my car on that bridge, and gave those old men a taste of my displeasure., I lived but 500 yards away. It was illegal for them to be doing such and I told them as much.......I wont say what I did after that. LOL
I think I live right next door to Mr. Grumpy Pants...LOL. My DH and I have two totally different ways of dealing with OUR Mr. Grumpy Pants. My DH about a year ago told MGP to go F, I have on many occassions wanted to do the same thing but I realize that MGP is grumpy because he is old, lonely, doesn't feel good, and for him any attention is better than no attention and what better way for him to get some attention than to repeatedly piss my DH off? strategy with our MGP is to kill him with kindness. All he wants is a little attention and he forgets all about why he was being grumpy in the first place. So there you go.....2 great options for dealing with him..LOL :) sorry he upset you Jen.
Jennifer, I'm sorry that this happened. Confrontation and conflict is never fun. We have every kind of personality type you can imagine at our park, and I'm sure the fact that many people think their own dogs are perfect and all the other dogs are the ones with the problem doesn't help. Whenever I encounter someone who seems to have such a need to belittle others in public, I just try to be thankful that I am not that kind of person, and happy that I can handle difficulty with more grace, which is what you certainly seem to do.
Can you try to time your visits so that you don't have to run into this guy too much? I don't think that means he's "winning"--I just think it might be the easiest way to make things more comfortable for you and allow Jack and Molly to have their fun.
I thnk you handled it perfectly. Unfortunately, there are rude people in the world. It is best to try to ignore him and don't let it bother you. But, you sound a lot like me and the rude words do hurt. Some people are just angry at the word and tend to take it out on others. The other ladies were probably right that he is a jerk and doesn't deserve a second thought.
i would just ignore him. If he is unhappy he can leave!
IGNORE and move on Jennifer, there is no reason to even think about it.
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