Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

FINALLY something my little Georgia likes to chew more than the mulch!!! I brought home a bully stick as a special treat and she chews it like crazy!! When all other toys were never as interesting as my mulch - this has done the trick! I would never have known about them if I hadn't read about them here, thanks DK!

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Our dogs just love vanilla ears as well as Bully Sticks.  Holly tends to get loose stool when she demolishes a Bully Stick but the vanlla ear doesn't bother her.  They are vanilla flavored cow's (not pig's) ears and don't smell bad like the smoked pig's ears do. Holly demolishes a vanilla ear quite quickly but, it takes our Maltese longer to go through them. 

We buy them in boxes of 100 from Knine Kountry on

They are also available in smaller quantities...


BTW IMPORTANT...  Don't use Cocoa Mulch which is a mulch made from the shells of the cocoa nut.  Supposedly, it repels snails. Dogs love to eat it but it can cause severe problems when they do.  It has the same chemical cntained in chocolate (which they get from cocoa nuts) and which is toxic to dogs.  There is a brand which is supposed to be non-toxic but, I don't trust any of it.  We almost lost a Maltese who ate some that was blown by the wind from the garden into the dog run. 


My boys LOVE their braided (they last longer) bully sticks!  It is the treat that they get when I need them to be quiet, lol.  I buy ones that are from U.S. beef and manufactured in the U.S. - do be careful about that.  Look for ones that are organic and nothing added.  We buy in bulk from Red Barn.  Yum - at least for them - lol.

Oh yeah, Bully Sticks are the best.... my doodles love em'.  I buy a quite a few at a time, I keep them in a baggie in the freezer.

She takes after her mama in regard to mulch.  Ive never tried bully sticks.  I learn a lot from my new families.  

Like mother like daughter!  I'm really excited to find something else to occupy her chewi-needs.

Hi Meredith...

Have you also tried antlers and beef marrow bones?

Dehydrated Sweet Potato;s are yummy too!  Sam's Yams...Sweet Potato Dog Chewz.

The split antler is wonderful since they can get to the marrow easier...and will last a long time...and there is no smell.

It will also help keep their teeth white and tarter free.

Sasha doesn't do well with the bully sticks.

I only tried them once for her.

She loved them...but her urine turned a dark amber color and had  a strong odor.

I noticed it right away since she is white.  Ugh!

I never got them for her again...although I know that many Doodles love them.

I keep treats to a minimum...and always make sure they are from the USA...are organic.

Great suggestions here. Bully sticks seem like Crack to dogs. Some do well with them and some dont. There is a post on here about how many people give a day or week. But it's up to your dogs tolerance to them, and your budget too!
Good luck, bully sticks are better than mulch I'm sure!

True, I have been worrying the mulch could splinter in her mouth or belly so I do my best to teach her to stay away - but alas sometimes she is too smart for me!

Thanks so much for all the watch-outs, I'll have to look out for the runny poo and dark urine over the next few days.  Also - I am excited to try some of these other options like the antlers and vanilla ears and the sweet potato chews!

I'm going to look around for the post on how many to give a week/month - but do any of you have a recommendation? once a week, twice a week?

Ours started the sweet potato chews and go bonkers over them! It's their special treat! Thanks for posting, lots of ideas coming your way!

Luna has an elk antler she's had for about 2 months and has only worn about 1" off the end of it.  I highly recommend these because of their durability!  They also can't chew off a lot at a time, so very little chance of digestive upsets.



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