Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Shiloh, is 1- 1/2 years old, Standard F1, and goes to sleep at 830pm and wakes up 730 each day. He rarely sleeps during the day,and if he does its only 30-60 minutes. I am curious if this is normal? He runs around a lot, goes on daily walks, plays fetch and chases lizards most of the day.



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My guys are 2 and almost 3, and I'm guessing they sleep about 14 hours a day.  They sleep all night and take a good morning and afternoon nap.  The rest of the time they are following me around, playing together, on our walks, training, or laying around but not sleeping.

Daisy is 2.4 years old. She sleeps if there is nothing better going on. We retire around 10PM each day and get up by 6AM, she stays in her bed until DH is dresses and ready - she watches his every move, when he goes for his pants in the closet she gets up.

During the day she is at work with me...she sleeps, gets up, walks around and says hi to everyone, comes back to her bed, sleeps, if the door chime goes off she is up to greet them.

Basically I would say she sleeps around 15 hours in total.

Rosey is 2.5 and she doesn't like to nap at all. Bandit on the other hand loves to snooze his life away..

Wow!! My doods are about 1.5 and 2.5 and they sleep from about 8pm to 7am.........then I'm assuming they nap or at least relax when we are at work for a good 8 hours during the day.  I'm guessing you are home with your doodle during the day? That is probably why he doesn't sleep.  On weekends when we are home, if we are up and moving so are they.  If we sit and relax or nap, they do too.  They don't want to miss any action!  =)  

Holly sleeps quite a bit... First off, she sleeps the entire night (occasionally hopping down from our bed to her bed on the floor or onto the cool tile if she is warm) then she takes naps during the day.  When we watch in the evening TV, she sleeps.  On the other hand we have a very large yard and she is very active running around outside,  She also plays a lot with our Maltese rescue dogs quite enegetically and often...

Parker is turned one in January and is pretty lazy. He doesn't sleep soundly during the night...he's up and down throughout the night and up and down throughout the day...though if I sleep in, he is happy to cuddle up next to me and snooze...but he's also happy to do his walkies and play too!

I want to thank everyone for the responses. I am home during day and maybe that is reason he's not sleeping much. He appears to me to need more sleep- as he is not relaxing at all during the day.

He follows me everywhere! He plays constantly! Maybe his food is too high energy? or too many treats?

I will try and force him into an afternoon nap and put him in a quiet area tomorrow.

When Owen was younger (he's a little over one now) we used to have to put him in his kennel to rest or he would go, go, go until he got himself worked up to getting in trouble. When he had regular naps he was better behaved. I think it can be like an overtired child. Sometimes they need to be told to nap. By the way, Shioloh is adorable!

I feel like if he felt the need to sleep, he would. He isn't going to play and play and play when he isn't being forced to if he really felt tired and wanted a nap. You just have an energetic boy I think!

You are lucky

My doggie is a lazy doodle!  She sleeps all night and sometimes get up with us but if it's to early she just looks at me like I'm crazy, stretches and goes to my spot in bed and back to sleep :)  I work from home and the moment I go into my office, she lays underneath the desk most of the day - napping off and on.  She had a litter of puppies last Spring and I noticed that she got more calm and easy going after that.

Rooney (1.5 yr) - aka - snuggle puppy goes to bed with us and sleeps until we get up, sometimes taking a potty break in the middle of the night.  During the day Rooney will nap some but if I were to lay down - he'd be right there to join in, he takes several short naps but Stuart usually puts a stop to that.  Stuart (10 months) is the energizer bunny on steriods - he goes and goes and goes.  Today he got up around 7 a.m. - right after breakfast he took a 3 mile walk with daddy and Rooney, then spent until noon time wrestling with his brother.  We left for about 3 hrs and I'm thinking they napped.  We got home and once again massive wrestling - then off to the dog park to chase balls and other dogs for an hour (sometimes we stay 2 hours), home for dinner and then more rough housing with Rooney.  He came to bed when dh did but sometimes I hear him playing in the middle of the night - lol.  He wears me OUT!



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