Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are going to Florida in a few weeks for 8 days. My good friends sister who also owns a Goldendoodle is going to pet sit Molly. Karen is actually taking her Sophie to her moms and will just have Molly. She is 33 and is single and says she wants to just focus on Molly. I am fine with that. Anyway I am so nervous about leaving my girl. Karen lives in a townhouse so will be walking Molly in a leash. She really will never be able to run the yard, like she does in my gated yard. Will she be ok? I know Karen will be excellent, but I am a hover parent and Molly after our rough start is now my baby!
Should I brig her to Karens once before we leave and be there with her? Plus I want Karen to come here because she has never met Molly. Any other tips you could offer I would so appreciate it. Looking forward to our family trip but worried about my girl! 

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I'm sure she'll be just fine.  Karen is an experienced Doodle owner, so that's a big "plus".  Also, we don't have a fenced yard, and we walk both of our Doodles on leash, and they are just fine.  It may take her a day or so to get used to going potty on lead, but then she should be okay with it.  I hope you have a great vacation, and try not to worry.

I would try to arrange for them to meet beforehand.  I do think it will make you feel better to see how they are with one another & it will probably also help Molly too.  I'm sure she'll be fine!  Sometimes I think they do better than we do!

It sounds like a great arrangement for Molly and I would have them meet at least and take Molly to Karen's if time allows. Sit places that will leave your scent, bring over some of her own toys, her own bed when she stays there. It may just be me, but I'm thinking if Molly has seen you there at Karen's she may not feel like she is being taken from you and her home by this stranger. That somehow you are part of the new environment. This really is so much better than having her boarded. And it seems she'd enjoy having Sophie there with her to play with and take her mind off missing you. Just my thought. Unless of course Sophie and she don't do well together.

Could Karen watch her at your home?

It sounds like you have a great plan for Molly.  Since Molly has never been to Karen's I would bring her there a couple of time if you can before you go, I think it would help.  I don't think Molly will have a problem with being on a leash, if she has to go bad enought she will go no matter what.


I would of course pack lots of her toys, bed, etc. and maybe something of yours so she has your scent.  She will be out of sorts for a day or two but she will settle.  I too get very nervous when I have to leave my doodles, I am lucky where my BF stays at my house so the doodles can stay in their own home and I am truly thankful that my BF does this for me and he also happens to love my doodles to bits :)  He says that they do get a bit nervous without me around and they watch the front door for me to come home.


Have a wonderful trip and Molly will be just fine :)

The first time Rooney (and then later Stuart) met their beloved dog sitter was prior to that first trip.  We took Rooney there to spend 1 night at her house.  The pet sitter did not charge us for this, she has all new customers bring their babies to spend one night to help them get used to her house, her, yard, etc.  So I'd at the least try to take Molly over at least once before your trip - could she spend 1 night?  I always pack up toys, beds, bowls, food, snacks so that nothing in the pets day is that much different.  Trust me - animals can't tell time, Molly won't realize if you were gone for 8 hours or 8 days.  She'll be so excited for you to come back.  Having a trusted person to pet sit is priceless!

Why not bring her. Florida is so dog frienndly,  we take our two doodles everywhere we go. If you are in the Ft Lauderdale area we can even baby sit for you.

I would take her there at least once to meet her and check out the yard and such. Good luck, she will be fine-it's just hard to leave them.



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