Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Willow has had several antlers, but recently, I found two "unusual" ones, and I wanted to ask if any one has found these too.

Doggieloot had a deal for Elk antlers, a three-pack, and one of the three was very light in weight. We gave it to Willow, and it was red inside, and very soft. Willow was breaking that in chunks in no time, so that had to be thrown out.

The other one is from Elkusa, and I believe this one is a deer antler, a huge one. Parts of it is greenish color, and it stinks! I asked the company, and they said it's fine and stink would actually attract doggy better. But I don't like the smell - it smells like sewer, something rotten - and I don't like my dog to lick me with that smelly mouth. This is an expensive piece too, so I'm a bit reluctant to throw this one out. Any idea what to do with getting the stink out of it?

Now after these two, I'm a bit hesitant to buy antlers. The attraction had been that they last long time, and unlike knuckle bones, antlers are odorless and thus were good for indoor chews. But now, I won't know if they would stink; too soft; or who knows what else is waiting for me. 

Do any one have similar experience? Any clues for picking up "perfect" antlers (and avoid soft, stinky ones)?

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I haven't had this yet but I do have an unopened package of antlers. I imagine that the soft tissue, inside the antler is decomposing and causing the odor. I suppose you could try boiling it briefly which might get rid of the odor.  Lots of animals eat decomposing flesh but I'm not sure I'd want my dogs to do that.

I have never, EVER had an antler smell. This is one of the reasons that I buy them.  I buy from Linda at the Antler Pantry (online).

Same with me....the antlers that I've had were truly odorless and never soft.

I have never had either of the things you have described with antlers I have purchased through Linda Fowles is the owner and she has been so very helpful. I have aggressive chewers and she chooses extra dense antlers to send to us. I purchased antlers at a pet store at Christmas time because I was rushed. The ones I got were chewed to very small sizes in one day and I had to throw them away. They were more expensive than the ones I get from Antler Pantry. Honestly, I am so pleased with her product I will not go any other way again. The never ever smell!!!

I have never experienced these issues with antlers, either. I think the key to avoiding these problems when buying online is to buy from a reputable vendor, such as or (search for antlers). I have also found the Antlerz brand at

I hope that Willow can't get sick from them? Obviously it's not right, maybe try calling the company again for another opinion?

This doesnt sound right and I wouldnt let willow chew them. contact the company for a refund!

I give my Bailey the large antlers that are split.  She gnaws the inside part out. I takes weeks of chewing on one to get it cleaned out....then she is done with it. We had a bad experience with one antler recently.  I gave it to Bailey and I got busy doing some house cleaning while she chewed happily.  Soon I heard her coughing and gagging and ran to her to find her coughing up foam and bits of the inside of the antler. I took it away from her and examined it and found the inside part to be very porous and not dense at all ....the way they usually are.  Bailey had been able to chew a large amount out very quickly and swallow it and I guess it irritated her throat and she had to gag it out. I buy them at local pet stores so I returned it and told them what happened.  They were very concerned and said they had just changed suppliers for the antlers....and they obviously gave me my money back.  The manager said she had never seen one so porous and we both wondered why this one was like that.   I guess we must be vigilant about checking them before giving them to our doodles.....I certainly check them out carefully now!!  Just wondering if anyone knows if the health of the deer or adverse weather conditions while the antlers are forming would have an effect on the structure of the antler???? 

I've actually gotten split antlers from Linda, that I requested, so that my two could chew on the marrow. My two both chewed it all out and there were a lot of splintered pieces around them in a very short time. I don't think anything was wrong, but I won't order them that way again. As for smell. They can be boiled in a chicken or beef broth if you want the sterilize them and get the smell out.

I have NEVER had a stinky antler (get them from Antler Pantry as well). Now I have had stinky (gag me) bully sticks until Ricki turned me on to odorless ones.

I would throw them away and never buy from them again.

Thank you everyone!

I like the vendor (Elkusa) - they are helpful and willing to accommodate (I added my experience to a review on the vendor under "Reviews" section a while ago). I may be able to press them to replace/refund the smelly one, but they think it's not that unusual to see different tints and smells in antlers, and I don't want to exploit their nicety. 

I will try to boil it and see if it makes any difference. Willow is a strong chewer and at the same time, she loses her interest very quick if something's too hard and she can't sink her teeth in. It's difficult to find the "right" one.

I usually buy "Antlerz" which is a brand of antlers.  I have never had any trouble, breaking, smell, or whatever, with any of these antlers. I, too, bought a three pack from Doggy Loot which I have had to throw out.  One was yucky (technical term) inside and too easily broken into shards, one was sharp and very small, I threw the third out on general principals.  I won't be ordering from there again.



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