Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mom just called and said for the past few days Jack has not wanted to walk...when she is out walking him, he pulls to go back home. Today on his walk he just laid down and refused to walk...

She is taking him to her vet as mine is well over two hours from her...I called my vets cell phone for advice but am waiting to hear back. What could be making him act this way!!?

He loves walking!!!!

After not sleeping all night.... Drama is mo took Jack for a walk this morning when it was chilly out. He pulled and leaked the whole walk....he barked at big dogs and peed on everything.

He must just have been moms vet called twice to check on him which I really appreciate but he clearly doesn't have exercise intolerance....heat, yes,

I don't know why my vet was so alarmed last night..she is not usually an alarmist but neither my mom or I slept..

Really I don't know why my vet did that..she knows I get so upset so easy ...and she knew I was away...I think more conservative measures were right...and after I read what you all wrote I felt better..then my vet called..

Poor Susan and /Sasha listend to me cry for an hour o. The phone mid ifnt their time.....just to try to make me feel better....

Thanks Susan I love you and thank you all again...

I am praying for a non drama rest of my stay here in Colorado

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Is he eating and pooping well? Is he playing with Molly?

Yes he was eating and pooping normally....the only thing I can think of is he just is too hot.

My mom is at vet now, his temp is normal, no signs of heat stroke and he is hydrated all good things!!!!

I am waiting to go on speaker phone with the vet and my mom while she is in room with him.

I hope Jack is just being wimpy and decided it was too hot to unlike him though.

My dog Beamer who never lays down during a walk is also doing the same thing. At 65 pounds it is hard to coax him up. I carry water with me and it seems to be helping. We are in Georgia not to far from you all so it could well be heat.

I am hoping that as I write this you are getting good news and that Jack is just too hot to go walking as he is all played out with Molly

So the vet said while it was not an ideal time to walk him it is not hot enough for him to be reacting that way or so she thinks. Tomorrow my mom has to walk him in the morning when it is still cool, if he has the same reaction, they are going to do a work up on his heart!

This dog totally mimics my symptoms....I so pray he is okay....
Could he be playing up on his nana, and putting it over her, Hope it's not serious. Love and prayers.

A heart work up because he hasn't wanted to walk for a few days.  That just seems a bit overly aggressive to me in the absence of other symptoms.  I know my Vet would listen to his heart and if it seemed fine and there were no other symptoms, she'd tell me that the dog was controlling the walk and not me.  They shouldn't get to decide when it's time to go home by pulling on the leash.  When we first put Muph in a correction collar he did the laying down and refusing to move thing too...he was just trying to be in control.  I'm sure it's tough for your Mom to deal with, but Jack may very well just be testing her. 

I agree with Jane.  Jennifer, perhaps because you aren't there, you are more concerned than you would be if you were there yourself.  If his vitals are fine and he is eating and pooping, more likely than not he is physically ok.

I would tend to be thinking along these lines as well.  If I remember correctly, Jack can be a bit willful. I am very surprised that he wants to do a heart work up - sounds like padding his pockets to me on an insured dog.  Maybe I am wrong...

You don't have Lyme disease where you are, do you? Dogs with Lyme often have very sore feet and joints and will not walk. It is carried by the deer tick and around here, dogs get it all the time--often overlooked by the vet.

Shelby occasionally does this - typically related to being too tired after a recent bout of rowdy play or sometimes if it's hot.  There is always one point where she stops as if to say... ok this is enough, now back home (which is really just going around the block).

Geez...Jennifer.  I'm sure hoping nothing's wrong.  If everything else is normal, then I would assume he's okay.  Please try not to worry!



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