Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Louie has a baby sister! We picked up Mila ( Me Lah Russion for precious ) on Wednesday Night and she is a doll! Louie may not agree but he is doing really well considering he is used to only sharing us with Breezy our Wheaton Terrier. Mila is a red and white Parti Labradoodle and we are her guardian family I've taken some pictures with my iPhone so not the best quality but I don't think Mila can take a bad picture!
Jennifer, Louie is in the "if I ignore her maybe she'll go away" stage...It will get better right?
Thanks Everybody. We are so excited about Mila...everything she does is cute! Well not everything if you catch my drift!
She wags her tail, she play bows, she barks, ALL ADORABLE!
Thanks for the kind words for my Louie too...he just gives me that doodle side look like..."really Mom"
He really wants to vote her off the island!
She is adorable. Congratulations!
What a beautiful puppy she is.
Mila is a beautiful parti doodle. Enjoy her.
She is so fluffy and precious in the face! OMD...Keep us updated with pictures! I can't wait to see what she grows up to look like. Very neat coloring! Congratulations...I am a guardian to my Maggie! Are you a member of the guardian group here on DK?
Traci, I am a member of guardian was a good forum to read before I decided to be guardian to Mila. I remember your posts!
Stop! Too adorable! Makes me want a puppy!!!!
Jane, you have the two you were meant to have!
She is absolutely adorable! My daughter will be so jealous because she is dying for us to get a dog that "isn't just all one color". LOL! And I am jealous simply because I love these Doodle puppies so much and in my heart of hearts I want another one!! I will have to live vicariously through you and all the other new puppies that come along.
How old is Louie? I'm just wondering because I always figured that the younger they are they more likely they would be to accept a new addition, but I could be wrong. Our 8 year old Golden has reluctantly come around to our new addition but I'm pretty sure he would "vote him off the island" too, if he had the chance! :)
Louie is 4 and he is actually my middle "child"...Breezy my Wheaten Terrier is 13 1/2 and wants no part of a goofy Doodle. I'm hoping that when Mila gets bigger they will play together and give Breezy a break!
She is adorable! Thanks for taking this sweetheart into your home.
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