Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I woke up this morning and saw that Hurley had bleeding and oozing come from his cyst again. My heart dropped into my stomach. I called Dr. G. I took Hurley in. He cleaned it and took another culture. He thinks the MRSA has returned or it's may be now another infection. :(

We will get the results in a couple of days. I feel so bad for him. He has got to be tired of doctors poking and cleaning these. He is now on a new antibotic called Doxycycline 100 mg. I am worried about all these antibotics my dog has been out on. This is exhausting...i feel horrible for him. He doesn't understand. He still wags his tail and licks the doctors as they work on him. I can't wait for the day that Hurley can run with other dogs and be healthy....

I wrote the other day in his blog that God put him with me because he knew all the problems Hurley was going to have. God knew that I would fight for him...I wouldn't give up...

It feels like a never ending circle...rupture, clear up, rupture, clear up....infection after infection. We can't do the surgery until his platelet count gets higher...

Thank you all for being there for me when I start heart breaks for Hurley...what a year he has had...

Thank you,

Regina and Hurley

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Oh goodness, I'm so sorry for you and Hurley. This will pass, you will get past this I know you will. I admire your committment and dedication to Hurley. Your love shines through in all your posts and it brings tears to my eyes. Give Hurley a big kiss on his nose from me!

Sending you and Hurley lots of gentle hugs.

Hurley is a lucky boy to have you as a doodle mom!  I am so sorry for this setback.  I know it must be so frustrating for you.....but keep thinking the "good thoughts" and hang in there!!  We are sending Hurley hugs and kisses.

I'm so sorry to hear this.   I hope Hurley will be well soon.

You are so much further than you were when you came to us a short time ago.  Look at the strides you've made.  This is just a little step backwards.

Because of your dedication, I'm positive you will get through this one also! 

I'm so sorry to hear this.  You and Hurley have a lot of positive thoughts/support coming your way.  Things have a way of working out for the best even if it takes a while to understand what the "best" actually is.  All of you are in our thoughts and prayers.  Hang in there, it will get better

I am sorry to hear this. Unfortunately this is the cycle with these cysts and why they have to go. You just have to get them at the right time. Sonn, I hope.

It is going to get better.  I am so sorry about this set back.  Staph is a difficult bacteria and MRSA is even more difficult.  Just keep your chin up - hugs to you all

Hang in there, Hurley! (And Regina.)  I hope things get better soon.

Regina - this just makes me cry for Hurley and for you, I can't imagine the pain of seeing him go through this.  If there is ANYTHING I can do please let me know.  My prayers are with you and with Hurley - stay strong - I believe you are right, Hurley is yours for a reason!!!

Poor Hurley.  I hope that you both hang in there.

you were so close to getting the surgery done... you still will, hang in there. poor Hurley and poor you. Hugs.



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