Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I remember writing a list of possible dog names as I very anxiously awaited for the birth of my doodle.  I  used to call my previous Baby Lover. I wanted something different, something original, therefore I arrived at the name Amante -in Italian my secret lover!!

I love to hear the names of dogs. I especially love to her stories behind the name so please share with me!

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Jack's name is Jackson. I always liked the name Jack and our last name is Pollock, so we had to go with Jackson (famous painter)!

We wanted to name Darwin after an influential scientist. We considered Sagan, Newton, Tesla, etc. When we met Darwin, he just seemed like a Darwin. :-)

I've had a Pippi in the past, named after, obviously, the famed Pippi Longstocking. I used to love that movie!

We met our little guy before we named him. The breeder called him Thor.

We decided to name him after a city in  England 'Winchester' we loved on our big vacation.

We shortened it to Chester. Chester really suits him. Every one says it is perfect.

Winchester Thor Wayte sounds a bit pretentious. :). 

My DH actually named my Hunter (who is a girl!).  He is a huge outdoorsman and came up with a few names, Mossberg (after the gun), Gloky (after the gun Glok), and the list goes on.  Oh he is also a policeman/firearms instructor hence the gun names.  One day he said "Hunter" and I jumped at it professing my love for the name!!  It was WAY better then his other suggestions :-)  I love the name for her, it just fits her for some reason.  The trade was I got to pick the puppy with none of his input and he picked the name - I think I got the best end of that deal!

I have no special story for my doodles, just really like the name Sophie and since the question of ever having babies is still up in the air I figured I'd use it when I had the chance. Winston came with his name. I tried to change it but he is just simply Winston, and that's that.

Kitty, well, she was named BRENDA at the SPCA. WTK kind of name is that for a cat?? obviously I needed to change it, so I decided she needed to be named after an Egyptian goddesses due to her one paw looking like it was dipped in gold. Couldn't come up with anything Egyptian, moved on to Greek, and landed on Penelope. I liked that I could call her Penny for short. That being said, in the weeks leading up to finally picking a name I had been calling her "kitty", and never broke the habit. So she is Kitty to me, Penelope on paper, and Penny to everyone else.

I feel like I've explained this before. This might not be the first discussion on this subject, but it's always fun to tell stories :o).

I too love to hear these stories. Louie was Louie when we adopted him from the elderly couple that loved him but couldn't handle his size. It fits him and they were pleased that we kept it...he is Louie or Louis Goldman(their last name) when he's in trouble!

Our 13 1/2 year old Wheaton,  Breezy,  AKC name is Lonestar's Cover Girl ( Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Girl) 

And our new puppy Mila ( MeeLa) is Russian for precious and my daughters are adopted from Russia. And also after Mila Kunis who is Ukranian

We picked up our doodle on Valentine's Day. My husband and I had a list of about 15 names and decided that since we had a 4 hour car ride home, we would decide on our drive home.  Initially, I loved the name Romeo (Valentines you know!), but my husband was not as fond of it.  We were joking around about all the crazy names we could think of and then I said let's just name him Charlie Brown since he is chocolate.  My husband's middles name is Charles so he was thrilled (like we named him after him - LOL).  So our doodle became Charlie Brown Labradoodle.  My daughter and her husband call him "Chuck", others call him Charlie B.  He does not care as long as he is getting all the attention!  I did not realize until about 3 months later how popular the name Charlie is!  Where have I been!

Holly was born on Christmas Day 2007 and we wanted a name which would reflect her very special birthdate. We decided against Noel because we couldn't say "No, Noel!" That would have confused the poor dog.  We also thought Good King Wenceslaus was pretty inapporpriate for a female doodle so we ended up with Holly!  Holly thought that her name was "No Holly!" for the first six months we had her.

Gavin was named after Denis Leary's character "Tommy Gavin" a loveable but roguish NYC firefighter on our favorite TV series "Resuce Me."

Roo is really Ozzie Roo because the Australians call themselves "Ozzie's" and Roo short for kangaroo because he spent a lot of time on just his hind legs and still does.  Tigger is because he jumped straight up in the air like Tigger (and still does) from A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh.   I have always loved those stories and Roo's name was not chosen with them in mind.  But then Tigger came along and the first thing I thought of when he jumped straight up in the air was Milne's Tigger and Tigger and Roo go together so.....there you have it

I had decided on Tara's name about a year before I finally found her! She is named after the Buddhist Goddess Tara. Pronounced Tawra rather than Terra.  When I finally found her, unbeknownst to me, the breeder had also already named her Tara. Kismet!



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