Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum



Since I have been a member on DK, I have learned so much useful information and a lot about members’ dogs.  I know about the illnesses that afflict some DK doodles.  I know which dogs are picky eaters and which ones have poop issues or behavior problems.  But it dawned on me, that with a few exceptions, I don’t really know much about the humans of DK.    Many of us recently stepped out of our comfort zones to post pictures of ourselves on our profiles, but there is no lasting record of that.  I know that DK members are compassionate people that are truly invested in the lives of their doodles, but what makes you tic?  Who are you when you have to step away from DK and enter the real world (the horror!!)?  So I challenge you to give us a little info about the person behind the dog. 


I’ll go first.


Name: Amy

Location: Dyer, IN (35 minutes outside of Chicago)

Generation: Millennial   (

Birth Order: Oldest of 3 kids – the only girl

Family: Husband, no kids

Education: Purdue and DePaul

Occupation: CPA – I work as a tax analyst for a Steel Mill.  I hope to work as a Business Officer for a Public School in the near future; I want to feel like my job actually matters.

Biggest Fear:  I have a phobia of grasshoppers.  Yes, I know they don’t bite or anything but they just really freak me out.  They blend into their surroundings and when you least expect it they jump/fly around…yuck

General: super organized, sometimes impatient, a planner – not a spur of the moment type of person, shy – I much prefer to sit back and take it all in rather than be the center of attention, obsessed with details, cautious (I was going to list the craziest thing I had ever done, but then I couldn’t come up with anything so I had to leave it out!), and incredibly sarcastic – but I swear, I am NOT as boring as I sound!!

If I could have any pet (that isn’t a doodle), I would love to have:  A big fat penguin – one of those cute cartoony looking ones. 

Addiction: A new yogurt place recently opened here (called Red Mango).  You go in and fill up a cup with as much or as little yogurt/soft serve ice cream as you want and then you can top it with all kinds of great toppings (candy, cookies, fruit, choc syrup, etc).  I have become an addict, especially now that it has gotten warm outside.  I go there at least once a week, and I’m sure it will get worse before it gets better. 

Random Useless Fact About Me: I have eaten oatmeal almost every weekday morning since October 2009

Guilty Pleasure TV Show: Sister Wives -- I have no idea how I got started watching it, but now I am hooked.

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I love this post!  This is fun to read about everybody!

Name  - Traci

City - Greenwood, IN (just south of Indy)

Birth Order - Older sister to my younger brother

Family - Husband of 16 years, two sons (11 & 6), and 2 doodles - Bexter & Maggie

Education - Indiana State University for BS & Master of Education at Olivet University

Occupation - 3rd grade teacher

Biggest Fear - The upcoming Indianapolis Colts season without Peyton

General - I am a type A personality.  I used to weigh 200 pounds, but I started running & lost tons of weight.  I ran my 1st marathon (Chicago) last fall & am starting training to run it again this October.  I LOVE sports...We have season tickets to the Colts games, travel to Cincinnati for Reds games, and LOVE to watch our sons play Little League baseball!  My son is a really good pitcher!  We don't watch TV, unless it is a football or baseball game.  I LOVE spending time with my doodles.  I would probably adopt/buy more doodles if my husband would let me!


Alot of people on here are saying they are type A! i ssem to be a mix of A and B

 organized yet a procrastinator, sensitive yet easy going and relaxed, try to have good time management - always give myself plenty of time, yet still end up late

Yep this is me too....

I am extremely impressed with your marathon running!  You go, girl!

You need to come run the Flying Pig in Cincinnati!

Yes, I thought about doing the Flying Pig!  I LOVE Cincinnati!  We go there a lot for the Reds games!  I didn't do it this year because it was the same weekend as the Mini in Indy.  I want to do it sometime maybe though.

Hmmm.  I'm learning things about DK members.  Joanne - were you REALLY a rock star?  From that to cording dogs?  You are interesting.

ME:   name:  Lynda

location:  Monterey County, California

generation:  Boomer, actually one of the first, born 9 months after my dad got home from the war in Europe

birth order:  oldest of 4

family:  married (34 years) and one son

education:  BS in Recreation Therapy (CSUEastBay), and Teaching Credentials (Chapman College)

occupation:  Retired elementary school teacher (still sub when I feel like it and someone wants some art classes)

fears:  I think I am fearless, but after some family experiences I definitely fear the big C.  My sister died of brain cancer and my sister-in-law just had a masectomy and going through chemo and radiation.

general:  laid back, easy going, like moderately dangerous sports (kayaking, rafting, and sport parachuting), and my dogs;  lived in Brazil and Europe, but have no desire to travel now,  hobby:  making giclee canvas prints from photos

pet:  I like little furry things but don't like them to be in cages.  My rabbit was free in the yard (until a hawk flew over), and once I had a hermit crab who was free in the house.  Crates?  Never use them except in cars when the puppies are little.

random facts:  I hitchhiked down the Amazon when I lived in Brazil (on boats of course), I have lived on three continents and traveled on five.

T.V.:  Who Do You Think You Are?  and Dancing With Stars

You are fearless as well as adventurous, Lynda.

I haven't even visited another continent.  I am jealous.  

Name: Camilla

Location: SLC, Utah

Family: Husband, no kids

Education: Utah State University, in progress

Occupation: Student

I'm 22, a college student, and married to DH, who I started dating when we were 13. We've had a blast growing up together, graduating high school, going to college and raising Darwin. I love to read, bake, and take photos. I just recently started a photography business and it's going well, it's really fun too! I also do wedding/event cakes on the side, which I absolutely love.

I am the 2nd oldest of 8 children, the oldest is 24 and the youngest is 10. I so enjoy having younger siblings, we have all sorts of fun/crazy adventures together. I have the best parents, the best siblings, the best family. :-) It's been fun living so close to them. 

Random facts about me:

-I'm obsessed with lots of geeky things. Harry Potter, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Astronomy... oh and I love to crochet.

-I get bored very easily and I always want to be doing exciting things, much to DH's chagrin.

-I have an intense desire to go on a big road trip down the west coast, but life keeps getting in the way. 

- I'm blind in one eye and it doesn't effect me much except for a terrible lack of depth perception. Going down wood plank stairs, roasting marshmallows and parking at curbs can be an issue. LOL

-I really enjoy blogging

-I'm addicted to wikipedia articles and can spend hours linking from one article to the next.

-People always think I am much younger than I really am (in person, on DK you all think I'm older ha.) Example: I got asked if I was excited for my prom the other day.

-The grossest thing I like to eat is probably cut up hot dogs doused in lemon juice. 

-my hair is naturally curly.

-I LOVE Balderdash. I'm either very creative or terribly deceitful. Or both. 

-In real life I'm quite sarcastic.

well, that was probably more information than any of you wanted, but there you have it. :-) 

Excited for your prom? That's funny. I hope you said yes! I also have zero depth perception--absolutely none. Do you get mad too when it seems like all the good movies are in 3D?

YES!!! It's so terrible. DH keeps wanting to see the new titanic. wah. Oh, and not being able to do the "magic eye" books...



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