Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

He.he.....what a day...!! I told my mom to go to the pool today and relax for a little while!! Then when she got hime she took me to my favorite spot (a big field close to where we live) I to run and felt good.I also chased lots of bugs and finally got tired and didnt feel like running after the bugs anymore. I am feeling like today has been a very busy day!! I think I am going to write in my blog tonight and let everyone know what I have been doing :)
I "lubs" you all for checking on me...I thought all you guys were busy playing so I waited a little while :)

There is a big update with pictures...we write in it out 2 to 3 times a therapy for me...!!

Doodle Kisses to you all,

Regina and Hurley

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Great news--about a great dog with a super great family--hope things continue to go UP AND UP!!

Wow he looks great Regina!  His eye has improved alot - much less drooping.  Give him a hug for me!

I'm so glad you are looking and feeling so much better Hurley - keep up the good work :)

So happy to see that he is doing well.  You certainly do have one adorable little guy.   Hope all continues to go well. 

So good to see how well he is doing!

Hurley is looking GREAT!  Regina - you have done such a wonderful job nursing him along - what a great doodle momma you are!

This is wonderful news and Hurley looks better than I would have expected. Keep up the good work.

Hurley looks wonderful!  I am so happy to see how well he is doing!  I absolutely love his big nose...give it a kiss for me!

Sounds like you and Hurley had a great day!!!!

Hurley, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling so much better!

Glad things are improving!

I'm so glad that Hurley is doing better. I love the blog and have bookmarked it so I can keep up. Hugs to Hurley and his wonderful family. He is so loved.



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