Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Saw this on our local news today.  Since it's in New Jersey I thought I get everyones opinions. I personally think it's a great idea. Also does anyone know if they are actually enforcing it.

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I haven't decided what to do. I have harnesses that attach to seat belts but to go, as I just did, to the bank and post office, which are less than a mile from my house, it is such a chore to put them on. And of course it's hot so then I took the dogs in both places. They adore the bank ladies, who carry on about them and give them a biscuit. Then we strolled around the back of the strip mall and near the brook before we returned home. To out on harness would just mean more work for me and I don't really see any hard evidence that it's much safer than leaving them in the back seat considering top speed is about 25-30 miles an hour on this jaunt. 


Sharon just saw someone get pulled over by a police officer.  They had 2 dogs with their heads hanging out of the back windows.  We are in Randolph, NJ (near Morristown).


Also our son was informed at work today that the police are giving tickets for unrestained dogsin cars.  He works for Enterprise Car Rental.


So it appears that there is real enforcement happening,

Well, hanging their heads out is asking for trouble. Can they stop people without some other reason to stop them do you know. Would having dogs confined to the back of an SUV with a gate suffice. Lots of questions.

I am not in NJ but I have the same questions plus the one posed by others - if you are just driving through the state how would you know of this law and be able to comply.  Is this only NJ?

I imagine that just like any other law it applies to anyone driving in NJ.  Think about how most states now have laws regarding talking on cel phones and/or texting while driving, it doesn't matter what state you are from you must obey the laws of where you are.


At last an explanation of the law:





I just listened to the explanation of the law (this is by the president of the NJSPCA).

What I got out of it:


The law has been on the books for years - it is inhumane transport of animals.

It does not require harnassing or restraining your dog.

The media has blown it all out of proportion.


Please listen and post your comments - perhaps we can all get a better understanding of it.


OK, I just listened too. Totally different from what was written in the record and I just sent a link to the Road Warrior : )

Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!  It clarifies a lot of misunderstandings!  

So basically it's telling us to use common sense when transporting dogs....I don't think any of us here on DK would drive with our beloved doodles in the back of a pickup!! 

I agree, it would be like any other law. It's our responsibility to know the laws in the states we are traveling in. For example helmet laws for motorcycles. May not be required in one state, but cross the border and it is, so it would be well advised to put one on. Actually, we never ride without one so it's a non- issue but we do take the Harley from Az, to Utah, to Nevada,to California, to Colorado, so knowing all the laws is a requirement.

This is so true.  Since my dh and I ride I totally understand the helmet laws.  It just seems that the NJ law - or enforcement thereof - is a lonely only and not advertised which seems sort of like an entrapment situation.  If it hadn't been pointed out on dk, would ANY of us known about it?

Sounds like there is some confusion as to the actual requirements, see Andy's link to an interview with the head of the SPCA.

I agree with Andy. Sometimes it's hard to know the laws when you are even from the state though. For instance, I know that although in NJ you can make a right turn on a red signal unless there is a sign saying you can't, this is illegal in New York City. It's impossible to know every law everywhere. The Italians give out lots of traffic  tickets to tourists.



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