Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today Cooper and I went to a small lake with my MIL and her dog Abbey. It was Abbeys second time to a beach, and she swam for the first time. I noticed she and Cooper swim very differently, and was wondering if its a breed thing, or if it just differs dog to dog 

Cooper swims with just her head out of the water

Abbey swims with her body and tail afloat

it was a fun day - the water got very deep very quickly and took Cooper by suprise when she bounced in after a stick

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Clancy visited Graciedoodle recently. Gracie is an experienced swimmer - notice how high she rides in the water.  Then there is Clancy, who had a great time, but could barely keep his doodle nose above water.

I was wondering this too with my another doodle who was swimming like your Cooper. I asked about this our animal osteopathy and she said that if the dog is not properly using his back legs, they swim like this.According to this  osteopathy there are differences in dogs swimming skills and good swimmers swim so that the back is visible. But I`m not sure if she is right!!?? She said that the right swimming position can be taught for a dog by keeping his back in the right ( in direct relation to water) position while swimming.

Sophie does the head bob.

Some dogs will dive in right from the dock. Sophie has to go around to the land and wade in. I am trying to teach her that it is safe to dive because it is so much fun!

Winston on the other hand doesn't like getting his fur wet :(

Brinkley swims just like Cooper. :)

Spud swims well, a moderate pace--not fast or slow, and his head is just above the surface.  He also hops above the water and dock dives.  This week, we placed a dog life vest on him so we could swim with him.  He knew it was a new and strange sensation but quickly got used to the idea. He realized he could float with us instead a swimming quickly back to the shore.

I do think he liked it.

I think it is easier to tell how they swim by watching a video. Here is one from a few years ago with a doodle ( Oatie) who was not a swimmer ( yet ) and Spud who swims out to get him.

Turn down your volume to watch video! 

I guess by watching this video, Spud swims not completely on the surface but a fair amount.  Never really knew.  Good post and observation.

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Charlotte swims like Cooper.   She likes the water and likes swimming if I am in the water.   Webster "swims" by standing on his tippy toes, walking on his back legs, and paddling with his front feet.  He can do this in 4 foot deep water and we haven't taken him to deeper water.  Hubby calls him "Leadbottom".  We hold his tail up and force him to swim, otherwise his back feet never leave the ground.

I hope to get a picture of this - but it is hard to hold a camera steady in the water while laughing.

Darwin swims with his hind end under water, shoulders and head out.

I guess Bailey would be a duel swimmer then..Sometimes her back is out of the water and other times it is below.  I wonder if dogs are like people..Some are just more boyant (sp) than others...

Stuart and his brother Foster both swim like Cooper!!

I wish I could speak from doodle experience, but my Bayley at 8 months, is afraid to go any deeper than her elbows. But I'm thinking it's a buoyancy thing. My DH who is lean and muscular has never been able to float, sinks like the proverbial rock. I, sorry to say, float like a cork. Doodles tend to be lean and leggy, not much body mass. Maybe it is not a matter of technique or swimming ability, but simply the dog's physiology.



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