Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So next saturday at 10am we will be at the breeders, picking out our female doodle and bringing her home. There are 5 females to choose from and how do I know if I'm choosing the right one? I don't know how much time it should take me to pick one. I've seen where some of you have posted before that you let the puppy choose you. With 5 of them asking for my attention that might be hard. What was the first thing that stood out to you when choosing? I asked the breeder to keep an eye out on the one that would fit our dominance issues, friendly, loveable, no aggression issues.... and the breeder said simply that  all their personalities are the same....Well, that makes it harder for me. I guess I need some words of incouragement here...HELP...

Pictures of the puppies I get to choose from

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I don't know about others.  I can only tell you my story.  I saw a picture of the puppies and Haley stole my heart.  I went to the breeder's with an open mind knowing looks aren't everything.  I stepped into the enclosure that all the puppies were in and Haley came right up to me!  The breeder let all out into the house and we sat in the kitchen with the puppies playing around us but Haley kept coming back to me. None of the other puppies did.  The breeder told me that Haley was a "sweet boy" and he has alway been so.  So that is how my dood was picked - he picked me.

My breeder did temperament testing and I went with that--pup was chosen before I picked him up. 

Laurie, I don't know how to tell you to choose but the one thing I do know is that the love and training you put in after you get her home is what will make her the doodle you want her to be.  Some doodles just make it more of a challenge. :>) Good luck.

Based on the size of the puppies (I wanted a smaller one) and the photos the breeder had been posting, I had it narrowed down to 2 before I went. That didn't stop me from playing with all of them, though. :) I had always been leaning towards the boy with the blue ribbon, but I don't really know why. And then when I met him, there was just something about him. So I don't really have any advice, except that I think you'll somehow know when you meet her that she's meant to be with you.
Breeder chose both of ours for us, based on personality testing. If "all their personalities are the same" then I'd probably have to go with coat, color and which one tries to choose you. If all else fails and they are all identical, then I'd close my eyes and feel for the one that touches my heart through feel and puppy breath!!!

I raise pups for a breeder and families come to my house to choose--they always get really anxious about how to choose and then realize that there is nothing to worry about--usually one of two things will happen: Either a pup warms up to them right away and it is love at first sight--or they love them all and don't care which one they get! They should all be friendly, will all definitely be loveable and no puppies have aggression issues--that is not in their nature at that age. Once you choose your pup, it is up to YOU to train them and give them the right environment to be a good dog--I think the breeder is telling you something when she says that they are all the same--that is a good thing since there must not be any shy ones to avoid. You should not expect to see clear personality differences at this stage--just relax, let the puppies play and follow your heart--it is never wrong!!

I was going to pick the fat one, but they were both fat.

Then I was going to pick the fuzzy one, but they were both fuzzy.

Then it was the cutest one, but that was an impossible choice.

One was dark, one was light. 

One was bigger, one was smaller.

They were both friendly, smiley and lovey and the breeder said they were both middle of the road as far as dominance and temperament.

We went with the one who looked more like a retriever than a poodle and we love her.  I think we would have loved the other one, too. 


I looked at our Doodle once and knew she was meant for our home.  Her eyes locked into my eyes and I was done.  

My breeder said the same that all were friendly and lovable, I was going to choose a girl, but a boy choose me. There was a strong feeling I got when holding him, the way he kissed and snuggled against me. I knew in an instant he was my puppy and you will know also. Relax and enjoy every moment.

We stood back and observed all the puppies playing in a yard. Then we brought our current dogs into the yard and watched for the puppies' reactions to them. Then my husband watched the friendly little apricot one trying to get all four paws and legs into a bucket of water - that was the one.....

Oh, if I had other dogs, I would have let them choose, too.  :)

Good luck, Laurie.  I'm in the same boat only I have just 2 males to choose from and am wondering how the choosing will go.  Based on the 5 week old photo I got I'm leaning towards the bigger male.  My eye just instantly went to him.  But I know that can change in 3 weeks and when I actually go in person.  But deep down I'm hoping it's the same big guy. :-)  

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