Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My DH and I have different views on how much exercise is too much for Murphy and so I told him I was going to consult with the "Doodle Experts". Recently we've been putting Murph on the treadmill for an hour at a 3.0 speed with an incline of between 4 and 10. In addition, we take the boys for good walks every day that isn't raining and send them to Daycare where they run full out most of the day twice a week. I think this is too much treadmill for Murph, especially since he's losing weight. He's down to 50 lbs and I can feel his ribs. I can't seen to get him to eat enough calories to compensate for what he's burning. I'm back to full home cooking for his night meal and I've increased the carb ratio. DH thinks that he needs this much exercise to burn off energy. I told him I thought this was more exercise than other Doodles were getting, but he disagrees with that. What are your thoughts?
It's not too much if his calorie needs can be met and he's not showing signs of being overworked. But the thing is that there's exercise for health and exercise for mental/training needs. So he might not 'need' all that exercise for his physical health, but if he has high mental or training needs to keep him happy and occupied it might be just fine. My two only get the exercise they give each other in the yard and occasional fetch.
I have been taking my 2 to daycare every day during the week where they play from 7am until I pick them up between 5:30 and 6pm. Once we get home they eat dinner and then both fall asleep for the rest of the night. I try to get them out on the weekends for a walk but neither of them enjoys spending that much time out in the rain so our walk was only about 45 minutes last weekend. If he is losing weight, I personally would probably cut back on the treadmill time, but if the extra exercise seems to help keep his behavior in check I would try to get him to eat more calories. Was your vet concerned about the weight lose?
I have to call the Vet to let her know.....I've been putting that off and trying to get extra calories into him. I'm concerned that she's going to want to take him of the medication and I know that it's making him feel much more comfortable so I'm trying to avoid that if I can. It's confusing because it's so hard to say what exactly is driving his improved behavior and apparent reduction in it the exercise or the meds or maybe both. My DH really thinks all this exercise is helping him, but I'm thinking it's just too much. I guess I'll have to bring him into the Vet. Amy, it sounds like Cubbie & Ollie are doing better and that Daycare is working out well. I hope that the case...I've thought of you so often and had fingers crossed things were improving with the move.
Unless Murphy is showing signs of joint or pad stress from the treadmill, I'm pretty sure he is not getting too much exercise. He just needs to eat more. Keep offering good nutritious food with lots of protein, quality carbs and fat. His body will slowly adjust to both the medication and exercise and his appetite will catch up with his needs as his body gets used to the meds. Since he needs a lot of physical and mental exercise you might try giving him a frozen kong or zogoflex full of cream cheese or peanut butter or a mixture. You also might try one of the doggy puzzles with high value treats in it. Both Roo and Tigger love to "solve" the puzzles for the treats. It did not take very long for them to get the idea of how to do it.
I'm kind of paranoid since Guinness had his Pancreatitis episode so I had been closely watching the fat content of anything eight Dood ate. They've never had cream cheese or peanut butter.....I can check with my Vet to see what she thinks. Thanks for the suggestion.
I use low fat cream cheese and stick in a few Charlie Bear treats which are tiny, crunchy, good for them and they love them. (You could probably use no fat cream cheese also). in the puzzle I just put tiny pieces of something smelly - chicken, liver, fish
That's more exercise than Trav gets. We usually do a walk to a nearby park and play fetch there. Maybe 1/2 hr to 45 min. daily. He and his bro wrestle and chase a little bit in the house, but I don't let them get too carried away or the furniture starts to fall...
Pat, how old is Trav?
Jane, Trav just turned 3. I would guess that the two dogs play pretty vigorously about 30 min. a day. I slow them down several times a day, just so we'll still have a house. :)
You know that we cannot wear Stuart out. He is about 1.5 yrs and runs 5-6 miles most mornings with dh. He spends a solid hour fetching balls every evening at the dog park. He also gets in some 30 minutes of swimming 3 or 4 times a week. WE are WORN out - him - not so much!
Rooney is good with a few short walks and play time at the dog park. He could be a couch potatoe.
Wow, Jane....that's a lot of running.....and you don't seem to have any issues with Stuart's weight. Are you feeding more than the recommended amount for an active dog?
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