Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Why would someone vandalize my Goldendoodle sticker?  Dh and I decided to get away from our ever ringing phone here in Florida (will the political calls EVER stop) and went to dinner with a girlfriend.  We were in the restaurant for about an hour and 20 minutes, parked in a well lite and pretty busy parking lot.  While leaving, as I walk past to get to the passanger side I see that someone has vandalize my Goldendoodle sticker.  Why?  Why would someone do that?  Right where someone could walk by and see them?  Who in their right mind thinks that they have the right to not only touch someone else's property but to destroy it.  I'm angry but mostly just very, very sad.  What a world we live in :(



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Awwwww....sorry.  What did they use to mess up the sticker--scraping it off or Is that paint??

So sorry they ruined your nice sticker---some people are just goofy that way--can't leave anything alone--or they were one of those doodle haters!! I had a labradoodle magnet and it was stolen--so dumb to do that!

I got a really cool doodle mom sticker from You may like it! This is the one I have but they have other nice ones too. It is not made of paper but plastic so it peels but does not rip. Mine has not budged since I put it on.

I have labradoodles, but the goldendoodle image they use is much cuter--they seem to think that labradoodles have flat coats....

I'm sorry that happened.  My mind thinks, they might love Goldendoodles and want the sticker?  Of course, they have no right to it,but my hopes are that they did it because they wanted the sticker, not as a criticisms to Goldendoodles

I was going to say the same thing Joanne...I think they wanted to steal it!  Not that stealing is better than vandalizing but you know what I mean.  I am sorry Jane.

I'm trying not to cry but this is very upsetting.  I bought that sticker in a tiny pet supply store while traveling Georgia.  I'll probably never find a replacement and it of course matched the Labradoodle sticker.    Joanne - I love how you try to see the bright side but it looks like they took a key to it - I'm glad they didn't manage to scratch the glass.  Notice that they didn't mess with the other sticker.  I hate to think it but my guess would be someone with a purebred Golden Retriever.  Ginny I'll see about the Nickerstickers down the road - I know that they are nice.   For now I guess I'll use Goo Gone and remove both the stickers.   :(  Creeps me out that someone was messing with my car.

Jane my breeder sells those stickers as a fund raiser for me ..I have plenty of extra. PM. Me your actress and I will drop it in the is similar to that but says live is better with a Golden Doodle. It is my pleasure to send you one.

I'm sorry this happened to you Jane, I am not as nice as Ginny, people are not goofy they're idiots.

Jane, I am so sorry this happened to you. I have no idea why someone would do that to your sticker. I say get a replacement. Don't let them make you feel like you have to remove your stickers. Also, could you call the restaurant and see if they have outside cameras because they did vandalize your car?

Sandy, can I edit your plate out--please. 

Just to be on the safe side.  People like me  have access to the BMV  sometimes.  Scarey.

I also like the fact that your sticker does not have doodle but just a cute face.  As paranoid as I am though, I would not have placed my dog's name on the sticker as I did not do with my kids clothing.  Sign of the times.

Bureau of Motor Vehicles.  Some States call it DMV. Same thing.  Gives out of LOT OF information about you.

Thank you, Sandy. I feel better about it now. 

I should have actually called the police and made them do a report but lets face it - it is a $5.00 sticker.  I'd like to put another one on and park the car back in the same spot and then watch.  Catch the creeps.  But that only ever happens in the movies.  I'm taking it too personally  - but that sticker represents Stuart.  Sweet, adorable Stuart - my guy born in the wrong place but placed in my hands to love and care for.  Lord help the person that would EVER mess with my dogs.  You'd all be sending care packages to the prison.



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