Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So today, I took Jack over to the neighbors to play, I was there with him, I noticed he was sniffing around the back yard but I thought he was just checking out the yard.... My friend came out and said she put her old pork roast out there?? What the doodle?  who does that but anyway, my dog my responsible.. My first picture in my head was from here.. I forget who's dog got pancreatitis from pork but I kicked it into gear..

... I had to get Jack home and induce vomiting.. 15 mls of Hydrogen Peroxide

Poor baby the first three or four throw ups were filled with disgusting pork chunks with large fat bits on them, then the last three or four were yellow bile, followed by clear bile so I know was able to get it all out of him.

This from a dog who never touches food from anywhere... He has been on a hunger strike for the past few days because he doesn't want to eat his dog food... he wants the new stuff and I didn't want to waste...

Thank God for syringes and hydrogen peroxide, could have saved his life and for sure saved me hundreds at the vet.. The ER vet said I did everything right and no need to bring him him since I was able to clear his stomach..   this was really old pork with fat bits on it..

.. Gross.... I am just watching him .. I can't give him Chicken Broth because he has a chicken intolerance. any ideas of what I can give him to settle his tummy???? 

Should I withhold food? I feel fine because I caught it right away and I know I cleared it.. If anything I was worried I made him vomit too much but he has stopped now.. I let him have a sip or two of water and he is holding it down.

Just not sure how I should handle the rest of the day..

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I am super happy that the idiot thought to say something, imagine if she hadn't. Good thing you are on your toes Jen!

She knows how much I love Jack... I am glad she said something to, though I was getting ready to go see what he was doing because he ignored my first two commands to come which is not like him.. He did drop what was in his mouth when I yelled drop it, but as evidenced by the vomit he had already ingested a good amount...

All is well that ends well...and my lesson was learned for sure..

I am so glad Jack is okay, poor boy.  

When daisy had pancreatitis I was told to give her canned plan pumpkin. It's easy on their systems and helps their tummies

Thank you so much . Jack would starve before he would eat pumpkin, he despises it.  , Jack shows no sign of sickness what so ever.. I am not sure what would have happen had he had time to digest any of the food, it  was in his stomach for no more then five minutes top before vomiting occurred. He has shown no signs of distress other then when he was forced to vomit, who can blame him...

This is why I don't let people walk Jack and the choice of people watching him is so slim and when they do they have to only let him out in my yard to potty and back in the house. So thankful my job that I will be starting will et me work from home.

I think I over did it on the hydrogen peroxide because I didn't look it up... I grabbed our emergency bag and it wasn't in there... I have to check to see how much he should have... 

He is happy, playful and I am grateful because I know dogs get into garbages at times but Jack has an insanely sensitive stomach and this was old pork that has been sitting in 70-80 weather for a few days...

OK, I don't get why anyone would put any kind of meat in their backyard but I do have a question? Is pork meat bad for dogs? I didnt know it would make them sick. I understand that an old roast of any kind would but is that true for a fresh pork roast as well?

I don't know.. so someone else will have to verify.. To me, Pork is high in fat and the risk would be pancreatitis. In my no nothing opinion about it, I think lean pork that is cooked with no visible signs of fat would be okay is a small amount but I don't know so I shouldn't even answer...

I don't give Jack pork at all... I will say he had taylor ham as a puppy because I was in the hospital and my mother didn't respect me and made him taylor ham and eggs for breakfast in the morning and he didn't get sick.. but I think that was stupid and very risky.... The only food Jack gets that is high is fat is Salmon because it is a healthy fat.......

Cooper eats raw, mainly pork, though we do cut the fat off it. i can imagine a left over pork roast would have lots of fat on/in it. I would have induced vomiting too, mainly because it had been outside who who knows how long and infested with who knows what. Glad Jack is ok!

Lean meat should be fine , like a loin of pork. but fatty meat can cause pancreatitis. Rancid and putrid food lying in someone's back yard is bad no matter what else.

I'm so glad you were on top of this and Jack is doing fine.  Pancreatitis is scary and dangerous.

Oh my doodle - I am sure that is in at least the top five as the craziest thing I have ever heard a human do.  Does she throw all of her "leftovers" in the backyard?



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