Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Well...Bexter apparently decided to snack on a sock. I have no idea how or when this happened, although I tell my husband it did not happen on my watch! Really, I am pretty sure it probably happened when my older son gets home from school & before I get home, but really no idea. Anyway, I had no idea until my husband texted me when I was at work telling me that Bexter had vomited in his crate & rubbed his nose raw getting the crate tray out, which he succeeded in doing. Poor little guy didn't want to be in his own vomit. When my husband inspected the vomit (sorry, gross), he found part of a sock. The important word there was PART of a sock. Meaning that the rest of it was still in there. So...I left work immediately, took him to our vet which of course was getting the X-ray machine replaced at that precise moment. So, we had to take him to the ER vet which took an X-ray and found a foreign object to be lodged in Bexter's belly. Of course, I said yes to the operation. Turns out, he had a sock stuck in his belly. Luckily, it wasn't in his intestines yet or that would have been a lot worse. I am very upset about all of this. My Bexter now is wearing the Cone of Shame because he tends to want to lick on his incision site. He is doing great otherwise. We will now have baby gate put at the foot of the stairs so he can't go upstairs without me. I am sooo grateful for pet insurance right now! By the way, Maggie is so awesome. She can sense that something is wrong with Bexter, so she hasn't even attempted to play with him at all since he's been home. She is the best dog I've ever seen in my life.
Oh man--what a lot of damage one little sock can do! So sorry you went thru this--but yeah for Maggie, who is obviously a very smart doodle--if she could talk, she would probably say "I can't believe he ate a sock!"
Hope all is well from now on...
So glad Bexter is okay but what a scary ordeal! Maggie sounds like a wonderful nurse! Now to get the family on board...
So sorry to hear this... I've been in your shoes (with Oscar a couple months ago) and know exactly how you're feeling. Bexter will be better before you know it. Maggie sounds like our Lucy, who was very gentle with Oscar as he recovered. She seemed to sense that Oscar was not quite himself. How old is Bexter? Just wondering, as I think Oscar is being a bit better now at not eating everything he comes in contact with (at 8-1/2 mos.).
I think the family is very concerned about Bexter (and the money involved also), so hopefully I can get everyone to clean up after themselves! Actually, I thought we were doing a good job of monitoring the boys and their socks, but apparently, we missed something!
So sorry to hear this! get better soon Bexter!
I am very sorry to hear about Bexter and I wish him a speedy recovery.
Oh Bexter, no more socks for you. Feel better soon buddy.
Socks are a RED LEVEL THREAT in our household since in his younger days our Golden Retriever would literally gulp them down WHOLE. Not chew on them like a dainty little treat, nope, just one big gulp. We discovered this when he became very ill, much like Bexter, and had to have two socks and a dishtowel removed from his intestine (which, yes, was very expensive and not fun...). Since then, my children know that nothing will send Mom or Dad through the roof faster than a stray sock lying on the floor. We have been known to have socks on windowsills, on the mantle, on top of the refrigerator...wherever the children can find a spot to stash them that is out of reach of the dogs.
Don't ask me why they can't manage to just keep their smelly socks in their own rooms...
I'm so glad Bexter is going to be okay...Hide the socks!!!
Although I like to think of Bexter as my baby (he still is), he is now just over 2 years old. I am starting to think this won't be something he'll outgrow...
I hope Bexter has a fast recovery and has learned his lesson! No more socks, Bexter!
Stinkin' socks...first they get lost in the washing machine and then they tempt the doodles. Hope Baxter is doing very well today and has developed a healthy fear of socks.
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