Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


So it's been an exciting week with Arthur and now we are into week number 2.  I've posted a couple of times since joining. Once to introduce the both of us and the second time a little stressed out with the inability to crate train our bub.  We still can't crate train him very well and I've spent all week sleeping on the sofa.  But either way, we absolutely adore him!  


His first pictures I posted, many of you commented on how sad and anxious he looked.  To be honest, he's incredibly happy but he does look super sad all the time.  He truly has the whole puppy-dog-eyes thing going on lol.  But here are some new ones taken a couple of days ago.


My main issue right now is getting the smell of pee out of the house.  We have religiously cleaned any accidents instantly, but it's in the air.  Any miracle tips for that one?



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He is absolutely adorable!

vinegar and baking soda works really well too

Arthur is absolutely adorable with such big puppy dog eyes! I love his coloring too!

Love picture #5 - looks like he has just burped and is saying excuse me!  He is adorable!


Thanks all.. I passed your compliments on to Arthur and he was rather proud of himself for being so cute ha!

Thank you for the suggestions on the odour.  We seem to take 1 step forwards and two steps back with the training.  This morning was a pee nightmare but yesterday he went exclusively outside.

What I'm struggling with too, on the hard flooring is his little paw fur is becoming stained and I'm having to dry him all the time.  I think the smell from his tootsies is spreading onto blankets and furniture etc where he lays.  Some people have said he smells worse than dogs usually do although I have likely became immune to his scent now so it isn't so bad for me but others notice it.  He's had to have 3 baths since I've had him because he has been completely covered in his poop when I was trying to crate train him or left the house for the school run.  I have bought puppy perfume and I groom him every day removing matted fur.  He mostly goes pee pee where he's supposed to so I'm unsure why he's particularly smelly to others?

Leanne, check his belly hair. If it is long he may be tinkeling on himself, if that's the case you may have to trim or shave his belly and any long hairs on his tinkler. If the grass is long where he tinkles he may be walking through his pee when he's done. I like the product Between the Clean waterless dog wash. It works very well to make smelly dogs smell better:).
These were the automatic potty times for Shaggy. Any accidents we had were usually when we weren't paying attention.
* Anytime he paused in play
* Immediately after waking up from naps
* Right after eating
* Every 20-30 minutes
* Immediately after coming out of his crate

It sounds like you are well on your way to happy doodledom
How bout some Fabreze spray around?
Hi, I'm sure you are doing all the right things, and your pup is just adorable!!
What I want to say is..I think the first 2-3 wks are the hardest. Getting the dog acclimated & the house organized...a schedule in all takes some time & can be very trying...BUT the good news is ..this all eventually gets worked out,
I'm assuming u r trying to get Arthur used to a wire crate (?).. A suggestion if that is true...try a small portable plastic cat traveling kennel. My breeder warned me that her pup would not like the typical crate right away...and she was correct. When Derby started to immediately complain about the crate..I was lucky I had the plastic one from my other for first few weeks she used that happily...till she began to complain again and graduated back to the crate...which she loves.
I remember almost at the breaking point when she just didn't get where to go potty & when...but it finally clicked I got quicker, more observant & alerted to her individual nuances & what they were telling me. Hang in there! Mine is still challenging, but each day I see improvement...and it gets easier & more enjoyable!!
good Luck!!

Great shots, and I'm glad it's going so well with him.  He looks so innocent!



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