Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oh hello there fellow puppy owners :) We need your help!

Our little Albee boy is 13.5 weeks.. and I know we are not potty trained yet- but I have a more specific issue that I'm needing advice about.

A little back story - he really doesn't have many accidents, maybe 3 a week? Never in his crate. We do not have bells to ring and since we're in a small apartment, we rarely tether him when we are all just hanging out.

So here's the deal... He's been peeing lately, kind of uncontrollably, inside and without warning. We have been working with him to start to give us some cues, but this is what happened tonight.

My husband was in the bathroom and I was in the kitchen. Albee just got done eating maybe 5 minutes before- he had gone around the corner to see where DH was, and when he came back, he started peeing on the kitchen floor.

The advice I'm sure will be said is that we need to take him out immediately after feeding. We have been doing this since he's been home, but normally he can last a little bit long and doesn't always need to go right away. Or perhaps that he isn't ready to be un-tethered..

But what really brings me here tonight is that this has happened a couple of times now (3 total in 2 weeks) where he pees while walking. One time he was even standing on a blanket we were under, and peed on us! The ONLY correlation I've been able to make is that he seems more tired than normal when this happens. Almost like he is too tired to 'control' himself. I'm talking, he was literally walking and peeing tonight.

Health wise he seems to be doing just fine. He doesn't have issues going and never appears to be in pain. No other red flags from what I can tell.

So what gives?? Any thoughts? Experience? As you all know, a tired puppy is a good puppy.. but not if he can't control his bladder!

Thanks for your help :)

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I kept Sawyer tethered to me constantly. Just kept the leash on and tied it to my belt. If he even remotely looked lie he was about to do his business, I scooped him up and took him outside! Even in a small area it is important for them to be close. We still keep Sawyer in a relatively small area. He s only allowed in the family room and kitchen. I don't trust him yet and he's almost 5 months. No accidents for awhile but I don't want him to be unsuccessful. Good luck!

We'll definitely be doing this.. but in this case, I really don't think I would have seen any signs. I saw him walking around the table to see me. He didn't circle or sniff or even stop for that matter! Has Sawyer ever done something similar?


At 13.5 weeks, yes. They are so fast. When that would happen I would grab him mid pee and take him out immediately. It will get better, it just takes time!

You may need to have him checked for a urinary tract infection. That doesn't sound like normal puppy behavior.

Yes I agree.  Callie had one at that age too and was having accidents.

UTI would be my first thought. Especially if this is a new issue.
My first thought also was a UTI. You can take him for a vet visit and they can do a quick test. My older dog has them often and I've never had to bring in a urine sample. I'd take him for a quick vet visit and rule that out because I agree, puppies have accidents but this seems out of the norm...

Thanks for the replies.. I was able to get him in to the vet today.

He has a low level UTI, crystals in his urine, slightly more red and white blood cells than normal

A lot of what she said was jibberish to me - I wish I could have had a live feed for DK to decipher! All in all, she isn't too concerned- said that we'll test his urine again at his 16 wk shots.

He got prescribed Cephalexin (250mg), lots of water, and making sure he gets a good bathroom break in for the night. 

Is there anything I can give him along with the pill? Would non-fat, flavor-free yogurt be ok and help his tummy?

So glad you got a definitive answer. At least now you know there was a reason for his actions. Now to get him well!

Amy, I'm sorry, I'm just seeing this (not sure why it never showed up in my email). Yogurt and antibiotics should never be taken together. You should separate them by several hours (and it is a good idea to give a couple tablespoons of fat free, plain yogurt a couple times a day during and after the round of antibiotics). If the antibiotic is supposed to be taken with food, then I'd give it with a meal. I hope I'm not too late with this information, but I'm glad you got this figured out.

Just saw your reply. Hope that is the fix!



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