Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So awfully difficult to write about -- I've not been on the site in ages; things had been going so well with our 3 1/2 yr old chocolate mini-Australian labradoodle. His pictures don't even do him justice. We get stopped every time we go out with him; he is just so adorable and sweet natured. But we were shocked and devastated to learn last week of his diagnosis - I can even feel his enlarged lymph nodes I'm waiting for a call back from a recommended oncologist tomorrow; even had a homeopath friend check with some of her colleagues here and all advised the same. Have to wonder if/what others have experienced. I want to give Bosco a fighting chance IF it's reasonable to do so. I read of one other Labradoodle who went through chemo and the results - which I know is not curative, only palliative. Our hearts are just breaking. 

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We're forging ahead - started chemo; know it can be an aggressive disease but we're putting up a fight!  

Of course I asked the normal questions of why did this happen, have you seen it in these breeds (b/c, naturally, comments I've gotten from people are "well, this is what happens when they crossbreed" and "that's what you can expect with those designer dogs" to "you should feed him less protein" and "you should feed him more whole grains/macrobiotic/vegetables") but she doesn't think so considering the poodle/lab mix. Labs have a higher incidence of cancers and Goldens even higher but clearly there's no way to predict and nothing we've done or not done.....just keep on giving him our love...and our hope and prayers and comfort. 

We will all fight with you and Bosco.  I support whatever you decide to do - only you know what is right for your family so if it's chemo, go for it!  Wishing you all the success with as few side effects as possible!

I hope it goes very smoothly for you and Bosco.
So sorry you are going through this Susan. I haven't seen Bosco since he was a puppy, and he was every bit as sweet and precious then as you describe now. This is incredibly sad for your family as I know how much you all love him.
Certainly there is nothing to predict or prevent this from happening. What has your breeder said? Has she had ay others with this? I pray not.
My thoughts are with you and I hope he is feeling well throughout the Holidays so you can enjoy him with family as planned. Please keep us posted as everyone here cares so much.

Continued Prayers for you all.  With lots of Love and a little luck, Bosco will have a full and happy life with you and yours!  Adding to the wish list of "little to no side effects" from the chemo.

I'm sorry you had to hear such painful comments from ignorant people.:( You're right-going back and trying to figure out the "why" of it is pretty pointless right now. Put all your energy into moving forward and supporting your sweet baby. I hope the treatments go smoothly for him and are successful and  remember we're always here if you need us.

I was compelled to view your photos after reading your post. Bosco is gorgeous and the love you share with him is obvious in the pictures. I wish you the very best positive energy and prayers coming your way.

Oh, touching.  Yes, we ALL love Bosco.  So no matter what I have to tell myself that he was meant to be in a home that provided him with love for however long he has been meant to be here on this earth. He "imprinted" with a neighbor's Golden, Murphy, as soon as we brought him home -- they were such good pals and we're still grieving Murphy's sudden passing at age 7 earlier this year. I have to wonder if this is Bosco's way of wanting to join him over the bridge. Who knows...all I know is he couldn't have asked for a more loving home.  Thank you again for your kind words.

I am so sorry for you and for Bosco.  I am sending my prayers and support.

Thank you, Nancy. I do feel the support, not just from those here but from family and friends who have sent an outpouring of emails and calls expressing the same, as well as from my breeder who confirmed this is the first case she has come across in all of her litters. Sad for us, but glad to hear others have been spared. Mostly, I know we're doing the right thing when Bosco looks up at us, or when he's laying down next to us, and gazes as he does into our eyes with such love and adoration. We'll all know when it's time....and right now, it's time to give him more time. 

Be strong! 

Susan ~ I just read your post.  We are sending positive thoughts and mega prayers for Bosco, you and your DH!  Your Bosco reminds me so much of our Charlie Brown and you just tell from your photos that he is wonderful boy and deeply loved.  Hang in there, it is amazing how strong these guys can be!



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