Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Please tell me which insurance you chose and if you like it. I want to take a poll to see whats most popular.. thanks in advance! xoxo

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In doing research I found Healthy Paws and Pet Plan to be the best. I ended up going with Pet Plan and I really like them! They have been great. If you do a search in the discussions you can look at other conversations about insurance as this has been discussed many times! It may give you more of a variety of answers.

thanks I saw the discussions and read them, but I just want to know which is most popular here.. just how many people have what insurance

I th

We have Healthy Paws for both dogs…just 1 claim so far…good communication…very satisfied :)

thank you, I like the 1 time a year deductible.. and the no cap on benefits with healthy paws :)

We have Pet Plan.  Had a couple of claims and they paid what I expected and in a timely manner.  Also, whenever I have called with a question they have been very helpful.

I'm following you link with baited breath.  I have two dogs that I have been dancing around the pet insurance thing for two years. 

My last dog lived 15 years and never cost me a dime in vet bills (minus spaying and annual shots/flea prevention) until age 13 but even then it wasn't that bad.  My biggest bill was her cremation!  I'm now in that same position with my cat who is almost 20 and just this last year had her first vet appointment and we keep going back.  I cna't help but think of the money I would have lost on these two but I completely understand on the flip side think of what I could have saved if there was an issue and they were covered??

These two goofballs I have now have been in and out of trouble since day one.  Sassparilla has a heart murmur (not life threatening) so not sure how that will play into it and Josie already consumed something and got sick so is that considered pre-existing since she is prone to eating things she is not supposed to?  I get the initial year but what confuses me is when you go to renew the following year and their pre-existiing clauses.  If your dog is sick with a medical issue that maybe won't go away with a few treatments and medicine  (heart, kidney, liver, cancer, etc - then there's hips and acl) what's the point if they will not continue to cover them on these issues after the first year or am I reading things wrong??

You can check with the individual insurance companies and ask them about pre existing conditions and how their plan works in those instances. My guess is they're not all the same.

Your questions really drive home the importance of getting pet insurance early, before conditions/health issues exist.

I chose Healthy Paws, no claims yet, but based the decision on many things. 

I've had Embrace Insurance on both Lucy and Oscar since they were very young. We've submitted many claims on both dogs and have always gotten 100% of the insured portion reimbursed (80% with our plan), usually within days of the submission. Its definitely paid for itself so far. We love Embrace.

We chose Healthy Paws for Truffle, but we thankfully haven't had to test it yet.  My close runner-up was Pet Plan, but I preferred Healthy Paws' annual deductible vs. Pet Plan's per incident deductible.  

I have Pet Plan on my girls.  I've used it for Lucy's CCL surgery, Sophie's Chemo and am currently filing claims on Lucy's allergy testing.  All claims have been paid as expected.  I considered Healthy Paws when getting insurance for AnnaBelle but they do not pay for the office call.  I figured if I had a $200 deductible, then I had a $100 office call an a specialist, I'm out $300 before they pay.  I opted to stick with PetPlan.



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