Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Cally can be a whiner when I leave the house but it only lasts about two minutes. I always leave the TV on and or a radio to keep her stimulated and not have it be so silent. If it is that intense of barking I am sure it is anxiety. I agree with others that it is time to have a professional come work with you. Another thing that you could try is putting him into daycare one or two days a week. Cally never cries when I leave when she has gone to daycare the day before, just because she is so worn out. Also if he is at daycare you do not have to worry about him and you do not have to worry about your neighbor. I am so sorry you are going through this. Luckily I am living at my parents house right now as I am transferring schools but am moving into an apartment this summer and this is definitely on my list of concerns, especially because Cally will sometimes bark if she hears an unfamiliar noise. I hope you can get this taken care of quickly more for your sake so you do not have to worry about it! Good Luck!
Sorry that you are going through this, it can be really difficult working full time and raising a puppy--I know because I'm doing it!
Do you put anything in the crate with Stew to chew on with while you are at work? If not, you could try stuffing a Kong so he would have something to do. If he’s chewing on a Kong he won’t be able to bark and it will reward him for being quiet. You could also try getting a webcam with sound to watch/listen to him while you’re at work. This way you would know if what you’re doing is work and maybe what is causing him to bark.
Also I saw this new product that was released by Ian Dunbar recently that’s pretty cool that helps with problem barkers and rewards their silence vs. punishes their barking. PetSafe Auto Trainer
I wish I could offer more suggestions, but Oliver doesn’t bark a lot while I’m away, or the neighbors that we share a townhouse wall with don’t complain. Good luck!
It's good that you don't hear him when leaving or returning. Maybe the neighbor is exaggerating? Still, you don't want to think that your dog is a problem for the building. OR that he is upset while you are gone. Ideally dogs take nice long naps when left alone but perhaps Stew hears noises that keep him alert?
I hope I didn't sound too harsh earlier. The thought of him barking incessantly for hours is just heartbreaking. I would probably go the webcam route just to know for myself what was going on. And, of course, get a trainer to work with you at your home. None of us can really evaluate the situation via DK.
Jess, I'm so sorry that your neighbor upset you so badly. He could have handled it better by discussing the problem allowing you to come up with more specific causes and solutions. Probably just having a bad day. My DH is very sensitive to noise. We live in the country and every time we go out the back door the neighbor's dogs bark. It doesn't bother me but it drives him crazy. Sophie rarely barks so that has been a blessing. Stew is still a puppy and that is really challenging. Don't beat yourself up, you will figure it out. You are already doing so many things right. Definitely get some professional help and try the things that everyone here has suggested. The calmer you remain the better it will be for Stew. Good luck and keep us posted. Hugs to you and Stew.
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, Jess. It stinks the neighbor had to yell like that - I get that a barking dog can be annoying, but there are tactful ways to handle things.
Wish I had some suggestions to offer, but it sounds slightly encouraging that you don't typically hear him when you leave or come back home. Hopefully the behavioral training will help, and hopefully the guy is exaggerating some. I'm sure it's stressful and sad to think Stew is having such anxiety. Maybe set up your iPad again, at least for your own peace of mind while you're away. I actually just got a dropcam to see what Ellie does during the day when I'm at work. (I'm quite certain it's going to show a lot of dog sleeping. ;) )
Good luck, and I hope that neighbor can keep his own barking under control.
Jess, is it possible that you could take him to day care while you are working. Maybe even half days? It sounds like he is spending so much time in the crate. Does he sleep in the crate at night too? Puppyhood is difficult at best especially if you are gone most of the day. I am sorry you are going through this. I wish you lived here, I would take him in while you were working. Good luck on finding a solution. Keep us posted.
It sounds like he is a very good boy when you are there. Hang in there. You and Stewart will get it figured out.
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