Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are curious what the current consensus is with regards to seatbelts, and which brand/ model you recommend for a 70lb dood? 

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I really like our Ezydog harness vs the Kurgo.
I felt the Kurgo was a pain to get on and off with their buckle system. The Ezydog is a cinch. That being said, the attachments that come with each of these harness' which loop through the seat belt seemed to short. So I picked up the longer strap that clicks right into the seatbelt.
So much easier for me.

Before making any decisions read this article:



And see the 10th page of the PDF report where the seatbelts are rated.

I originally tried a cheap belt for Penny and she had chewed it off during the first 20 minute car ride.  That's when I started researching and found something more sturdy.  No point tricking yourself with false security by using an inadequate restraint.

Thanks for the info. I am going to bookmark this site for future questions.

In reading the reports, several things come to my mind. 

Apparently only one harness will actually do what it is supposed to do, especially for a dog of size.  Fit is critical.

There are more makers of harnesses than were tested - which sort of leaves the topic still open.

The manufacturers who did not attend the testing, frankly that would put them off my radar anyway. If you're going to do it, then follow up with it and make it right.

All of the harness testing do not take into account flying items in the cabin of vehicle, deployment of airbags, and that takes me back to my bottom line - they travel in crates.

I agree that it is better that a dog travel in a crate but not everyone has a vehicle that can accommodate a large crate for a big doodle.  The one we looked at is the only crash tested crate available right now.  The variocage is expensive but does the job.  The problem for us is that three doodles could not fit comfortably in even the largest version.  I'd still highly recommend it if you can get it to fit your car and doodles.

See the variocage at

My problem with the harnesses is that the dogs still have quite a bit of room to move.  This is, of course, more comfortable for the dogs but not necessarily safe for them.  Only the ClickIt seems to really restrain a dog.  I used the AllSafe before buying my SUV.  I had to run the car seat belt through the harness instead of using an extender type belt.

It's a tough call.  People are restrained so that they can't be thrown around the car in an accident.  Dogs are built differently and don't understand the purpose of restraints so its trickier.



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