Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What has your dog learned that you have not specifically taught him/her?

Several weeks ago Karen posted the following article in the training group: and I thought it would make a good front page discussion.  The article is about intuitive learning.  In short, how dogs follow our example or figure out our routine/wants/needs and adapt their behaviour accordingly.

I was reminded of it yesterday:

During cottage season, Gavin gets packed into the car with the rest of our gear and goes for a 3.5 hour drive North.  Gavin has learned to associate his car harness with this trip.  Of course not every trip is 3.5 hours, but it seems Gavin prepares himself just in case.  When I go outside with the harness in my hand, Gavin runs a few quick laps around the backyard, checks his squirrel spots, has a good long pee, then approaches me to get harnessed up.  

So what has your dog learned that you have not specifically taught him/her?


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When Riley is excited she turns in circles biting her tail. Wish she would go get a toy like Brisby.
Murphy has always done this too. Always wondered why. He doesn't give the toy to us, just runs around with the toy.

Aw, Brisby is self-soothing.  Good boy!

Charlie has a couple!

We have a neighbor who allows their cat to run amok, and he is frequently on the backyard fence. Charlie will spot the cat, give off a few barks, come find me anywhere in the house, and then let off another bark as if to say "Come look, he's in my backyard, do something about it!"

He's also learned that me leaving equals peanut butter in his Kong. He will see me carry my laptop bag downstairs, and immediately starts looking around the house for his Kong. It does save me from having to root through several rooms to find it!

Those pesky cats!  You tell 'em Charlie.

I wish Quincy would find the Kong for me like that!  He does watch me fill his Kong, next beats me upstairs and into the bathroom when I go to get ready, then out for the final pee before I leave.  He runs back in, waits for me to pick up the Kong and then bee-lines for his crate.  The whole routine is a ritual.  

Finn has learned that if someone offers him a treat, and he takes it and drops it, they'll usually offer him another.  He eats the second treat and then takes his first treat off to his bed and saves it for later -- or he looks at me to pick up the first treat and save it for later :)

If I'm working late or at the computer and he thinks it's time for bed, he'll go find his fleecy blanket  and stand in the doorway holding it in his mouth until I get the message :0 Then he happily drags it up to the bedroom with us. 

Finn is a smarty-pants.  I love the visual of him holding his blanket.

I like the quiet subtle hint of the blanket. That's cute!
Riley will place a toy next to me on the couch and sit quietly staring at me. If I don't toss it, she will eventually take it back and will try again later.

So cute!  When I'm working at the computer, Trav will bring toys to me.  Usually I'm concentrating and not paying any attention to him.  He'll bring one toy to see if I want to play with it, then drop it beside the chair and try another.  Often there's a nice selection of toys piled around me when I finish what I'm doing. 

Riley sounds like she's very tuned into you…and polite :) Sweet!

Good boy, Trav. That makes me laugh.  Mom should play more :)

Brilliant Finn!  Love how he has figured out how to get two snacks.



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