Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I just let them think Ned is pure poodle! Just kidding, although I do get lots of compliments on my beautiful poodle - from people who should know poodles from doodles!
Same here... I get lots more compliments on my beautiful 'poodles', than on my beautiful doodles! I don't bother to correct them anymore, its so frequent.
I have encountered some "doodle hate" as well. For this reason, when people ask what kind of dog she is I say she is a mix, when they ask with what i tell them her mom is a golden retriever and her dad is a poodle. Most people are genuinely curious and just say something like "thats quite a mix!" but I would never want to offend anyone.
My biggest problem is when people blanket label doodles as dumb, or stupid, high maintenance, grooming nightmares. Because as with any breed OR mix, every dog is different and who are you to tell me my dog is dumb? She's 5 months old and her trainer wants us to consider agility or therapy dog certification, and as long as i'm doing the maintenance and grooming work then again, don't tell me about MY dog. On the other hand, with people who love her and think she's the best dog ever, I try to emphasize how much time, work, and money we've put into her.
I guess I feel like we walk a very fine line between loving our doodles, not offending "purists", and not giving people false ideas of what owning a dog is like. :) She is SO worth every single second of effort though!
Because doodles are cuter and more doglike than poodles? We have had many poodles but when we got started with doodles, there is no going back. Poodles are great, but doodles are so much better.
I agree with you Lynda. We had a wonderful huge black standard poodle for years. When he ran, he was so elegant (trotted beautifully)! I did not want to replace him, so we found an ALD (now two)!.
I also believe it is a two part thing - purist for the Poodle breed as well as a protective idea about Doodle breeders and the using of Poodles to create the designer dog. We all know that many Doodle breeders are not using the best Poodles and there seems to be an odd stigma towards Poodles in general. As it was explained to me, by one Poodle breeder - paraphrasing - 'a true breeder would never permit a dog of her breeding to become a part in the mutilation of such gene pool and allowing a mixed breed to come from her work would be sacrilege. ' Two Poodle breeders let me know that as a Doodle owner I was not suitable to own a dog from their lines.
I have experienced the dislike towards Doodles - personally and seen plenty on line. Mostly though I have experienced negative response to the Poodle part!
I think Sally hit the nail on the head. One poodle enthusiast put it to me this way -- "you work hard to breed the best dogs possible and then you see poorly bred poodles being crossed with everything and anything -- and people paying ridiculous prices for these pups." Hand in hand with this goes the mistaken belief that all doodles come from puppy mills or backyard breeders. They don't know we share the same concern. On the other hand, I remember asking a dog savvy friend about doodles when I first considered getting one and she made a face and said "it depends on how much oodle is in your doodle." Personally, I've never been a big poodle fan (probably my ignorance) --the ones I've met have always seem too reserved or stand offish -- yet I'm fascinated by their intelligence and their graceful movement when running free. With my doodle I've found a dog that lives for hugs but whose "poodle reserve" can go up in an instant -- and now I love that about him --he's usually right. A dog who can see something once and copy it and sometimes seems almost human in the way he communicates. Yet any breed snob would cringe to hear him thundering across the yard LOL
We rarely encounter someone who is outright rude and if we do, we try to find common ground or we blow them off. It really doesn't bother me, maybe because of all the awesome doodles I've met on DK and in our therapy work. PS I stay off other internet dog sites.
I experienced hatred from an entire forum I am a senior member on. I have not left the forum because there is still good information from some of them. But the little clique makes me ill.
They were upset because I did not get a purebred Standard Poodle or just a purebred Lab. I have copd and I need a dog who is not a huge shedder but also wanted a dog that is known to be a good candidate as a service dog. I feel like my Labradoodle is the best of both worlds. My Labradoodle is an F1b which makes him 75% Standard Poodle anyways.
After some testing I chose one particular pup from a litter who actually had a health guarantee and both parents on the premises. I was accused of getting a BYB puppy. I saw how the pups were raised starting at 3 weeks old ... and how clean the pups were and how socialized. My puppy knew his name when I picked him up. He is super socialized by his breeders and their 6 children.
I have had purebred Rough Collies, Dobermans, and German Shepherds. But I also have owned many many mixed breed shelter dogs and re-homed them to save them from euthanasia. Three of my other dogs are shelter dogs and one a gift. I felt it was time I found something I needed. Having a service dog you must know the lineage. There are shelter dogs who make good service dogs too .... but the picking can be slim not knowing anything about their backgrounds.
No one will even talk to me anymore on that forum ... with the exception of a few. ... But that is ok .... because I love my pup and I also have a blog called "Puppy Prodigy Reese" ... he is turning out to be the makes of a great assistance dog for myself.
The Poodle folks believe we are ruining their "breed" .... I am sorry ... but there are many purebred breeders IMHO ruining their breed(s) all on their own with over exaggerating their physical appearance ... which will in turn ruin their abilities anyhow.
Funny thing is ... I don't hear it from the Lab folks.
Just my opinion. :)
Darlene, Reese is adorable!! Don't pay those people any mind!! Finn and I are over in the Malvern area a lot --Valley Forge actually. So maybe sometime we can get together! Welcome to DK!
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