Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A lot of these dogs look like doodles, and were described as "large breed poodle mixes".

THIS is why you don't buy a puppy from on-line puppy ad sites like "Next Day Pets" and Puppy Find." 


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When we received the phone call from our friend who participated in the raid of the puppy mill that our Bindi was born into we immediately offered our help.  Bindi was one of 257 dogs siezed that night. At midnight, our daughter (who was 11 at the time) and I went to help bath and towel dry the dogs our friend was responsible for.  We left saying "we would love to adopt" one of these puppy mill dogs.

  Adopting a puppy mill dog is no picnic.  Though only three months old, our Bindi had never touched ground.  She had been kept with her sibling in a Rubbermaid container. There was no socialization. At 12 years old she is still only partially housebroken and cautious around strangers. That having been said our puppy mill dog Bindi has been a treasure in our family.  She has helped raise all three of our doodles and they love and adore her. It has been very rewarding experience.  It's not for everyone but I hope that answers the why :) I believe it is human nature to want to help, "to love to adopt" if you will.   If given the opportunity I wouldn't hesitate to do it again....even if it meant driving to  another state. It is the rare rescue that will ship but if your heart is calling you to adopt a puppy mill dog please follow it.  They deserve homes and full lives as well despite their horrific beginnings.

 Thank you for bringing to light the horrors of puppy mills Karen with this post and reminding everyone of the breeder guidelines.  It opens up dialogue and that is always valuable.  :)

Actually, I was responding to Sam's comment that he "would love to adopt" one of these dogs, Carole. :) 

JD is a puppy mill dog, also, although he wasn't there long; he went on to life in a pet store and eventually a shelter. So I do know and understand the challenges and rewards of adopting a puppy mill dog. But you and I are very experienced dog owners. 

I knew you were replying to Sam Karen :)  I just was offering my personal perspective.  Clearly neither of us could imagine our lives without our puppy mill dogs. They are our greatest teachers....

I just wanted to take in a dog who needs a loving and fun family thats all.  They need a good home after a horrible upbringing.

I think it is awesome you have a heart to adopt one.....who wouldn't want to rescue those poor babies and give them the best life possible. I don't have any experience with any dog but my dog that came to me at eight weeks from a reputable breeder...but if I was in a different place health wise....I would learn some of the challenges and look into,further to see if I could afford to finically and physically take on a puppy that could have any type of problem. what an great heart you have.....just make sure you know what you are getting into....

So sad. :( 

this is so sad.  I hope they all get the medical attention they need and get adopted out.  but gosh…100 is so many :(

This is terrible and I am so surprised by the website. Thanks for posting all of this.

I still after seeing all these heartless stories, do not understand how someone could do this. It is sickening. I am hoping them find forever loving homes.

Thanks for continuing to enlighten us about the horrors of puppy mills.

In a perfect world these places would not be allowed to exist.  As we all know, we do not live in a perfect world.

How truly sad, and serves as a very sobering reminder of exactly what people are supporting when they purchase a puppy from pet stores or online puppy sites.



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