Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have had Maci almost 2 weeks now.
Yogi has been soooo good with her. I think she will probably end up ruling the roost.
She is fearless and learns commands almost immediately. She seems dainty, but acts like a tomboy.

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Their lives revolve around play and each other. I wonder if we should separate them more, but it's difficult to keep them apart without isolating one much of the day. They are very different from each other, it will be interesting to see how she develops. I do wonder how much of her personality will be formed being the second doodle since we haven't been able to spend the same amount of time with her as we did Yogi as a pup. Not because we're not here or willing, but because she spends a lot of time with him playing and wrestling. He seems obsessed with her, wanting to play non stop.
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We are enjoying puppyhood, but looking forward to her being housebroken and getting all her shots behind us so we can resume all our summer activities. She's doesn't like being held back while Yogi is walking/ running and she's being kept off the ground.
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It is funny that things Yogi never showed any interest in, like chewing on loose deck boards or knobs on outdoor furniture now have become more interesting since she has discovered them. Whatever one has , the other wants. Not to take, but to share in it.
This is a picture of her smiling I think.
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So adorable! I'm glad to hear things are going well with both doodles. As I've mentioned before, your 2 sound just like mine when Oscar was just a puppy (and Lucy was 3). Lucy was happy to relinquish 'top dog' status to Oscar, and Oscar is happy to be 'top dog'! Keep the pictures coming... love them!

Oh, and don't worry about the time Maci spends with Yogi. I had the same concerns, as Oscar spent most of his time playing with Lucy and very little time with us in the beginning. I learned that our relationship experience was just different, not worse than the one I'd had with Lucy as a pup . Remember, you'll be spending a lot of individual time with Maci on training eventually. The time you share together will build a strong bond. With more than one, love isn't diminished, but multiplied. 

Adorable!!  Congrats on your new doodle puppy! Your first doodle will certainly help to teach her many things!  Enjoy!  And just think... when the zoomies hit... you will have a for legged plan to help survive that stage :)  ~Leslie

Awesome pics of two adorable pups!

What a great update. I love that they just want to play together all the time. It will calm down soon enough. Just enjoy!

Oh, Maci is just darling.  I am a real advocate of two pups, because they enjoy each other's company more than we could ever provide.  The problem is when one of the dogs is taken out of the mix (for whatever reason).  My dogs have been about three years apart in age, but are a magnificent combination.  Right now, a 4-yr.-old ALD and 1 yr.-old rescue that we think is a Jackapoo.  Two really seems so much better to me.  Enjoy these special days.

They are so cute together! I love the pictures!

She is so precious...nice to hear you are having double the doodle fun:)

Lovely I have a 12 week old doodle who adore s my 9 yr old staff and they play all day and saffie the staff who has never been interested in toys or balls has now developed a keen interest in lolas squeeky toy and ball sooooooo funny . Its beautiful to watch such honest friendship develop x
Thanks for looking and everyone's responses. I love taking pictures and sharing. Just like when I was a mom to human babies.

This is such a cute update with adorable photos!

Love the update and pics!

She is so sweet! I love to hear that they get along so well! That is my biggest fear when we bring our second doodle home next spring. 

Adorable picture of Maci in the cute:)



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