Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just wondering if it is reccomennded to get my boy a winter coat and/or booties. By the time winter hits here in Canada, around December, it gets extremely cold... sometimes feeling like -30, sometimes colder. Generally it's around -20 or so and I'm just wondering if you think a coat or booties would be recommended? He'll be around 8-9 months by then.

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Both my doodles have winter coats but our coldest temps get nowhere near as cold as yours. I would say, "yes" to your question! You may want to hold off until your puppy is closer to his full height/length (and closer to Winter), though, otherwise you'll be playing a guessing game as to the correct size. As far as boots we've used the fleece-lined Muttluks successfully, and I like RC Pets winter coats.

We have neither coats or boots but it never gets more than a few degrees below zero.
I live in Canada and walk my two in temps as low as -36C, although we don't go too far when it is that cold! I have boots and a coat for both of them, they are both vital in those kind of temperatures.
I only put a coat on Lily if it is snowing, but we use her boots all the time in the winter. I have tried a few brands but Muttluks have worked the best for us! Other than being too cold for her feet, snow gets compacted in her paw pads and has made her bleed, boots are definitely worth it!

We don't have those kind of temps, but nevertheless, a coat also helps to cut down on snow dingles and the boots prevent the snow packing in between the paw pads.  

We live in Seattle so the coldest it gets is a few degrees above zero. I never thought it would be necessary to get a coat or boots. However this last winter we noticed Oliver shivering on walks so we purchased both. He didn't like the boots, but really seemed to enjoy the coat and it stopped his shivering. Oliver has a Ruff Wear K9 Overcoat, it's waterproof and has a fleece lining. It looks sharp and wears well. We purchased it at REI, they allow you to take your dog in to find him the right size which was really nice. I highly recommend Ruff Wear (we have a cooling coat from them too) and REI.

It doesn't usually get colder than 20 degrees here overnight (and that is low here in California). I have booties for fox tail prevention, questionably hot pavement (we don't usually walk in the heat anyway but it's good to be safe), and it's nice to keep her feet clean when we go camping. We got a few good days of snow last year and I would have put booties on before letting her play if I'd have had them. 

Hi Nikki,, we live in Ontario too.  My doodle Mila loves the snow and has 0% interest in a coat,, she rolls and buries her nose in it, then lays sprawled out on a snow bank after a walk.  I did use some paw protector,, all natural roll on stick on her pads during the really cold days this past winter,, helps too against the salt on people's sidewalks and crossing the road

We've survived many Alaskan Winters with no coats of booties on our doodles. Our 11lb dog does wear both in the cold, but the big boys don't  need anything. We do use musher's secret on their paws to protect them but nothing else. 

I have both the Cloud Chaser jacket and Polar Trex boots from Ruffwear for Hanna.  I find she stays warm enough from her own hair/fur, but the jacket really helps with wind and keeping the snow from balling up on her and keeping her from getting wet (then cold!)  I highly recommend the jacket, but like others said, maybe wait till he is closer to that age to help get the right size.  I think the boots are necessary too, to keep the snow from balling up on the bottom of their feet...( as the thought of carrying my 58 lb dog home through 6+ inches of snow because she cant walk from all the snow balled up on her feet doesnt sound like much fun !)  I think finding boots that stay on good is a bit more of a challange...The Ruffwear ones i like because they come up a little bit higher.  I just added an extra foot of velcro strip abound each boot and they stay on better.  She wears both the jacket and boots here in Colorado as needed (in wet clingy snow) and she wore them both when we took her back to MN last Christmas (I understand the brutal winters, thats why I moved away from there! ; ) ) and she was good when we went for 45 min walk/hikes in -26 windchills !  Good Luck!!



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