Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Otis has been with us for 11 days. He is definitely mis-named. He should be named PIGPEN!

He only wants to be outside with Pete ( our outside/garage, older dog). So much so that he sits by the French doors and cries to be let out. Constantly. And I thought he was SO smart for telling me when he needed to potty! Nope--he wants to run with Pete and behave like, well, a BEAST.

So, sure, it's only 30-something degrees most days here. And sure, there's mud EVERYWHERE! And sure, he's FILTHY. (Insert my crying here). And I cannot understand why he prefers muddy, stinky, COLD Pete over us? Grrrr.

He's had two baths (including one last night). And he's a mud-ball again. And the leaves he rolls in stick into his muddy fur. And he stinks. And I just feel like my life of being proud of my very clean home is over. :(

So....can I wash him again tonight? I use doggy conditioner on him after the doggy shampoo....I'm hoping that helps with moisturizing his skin.

Thank you.

The mama of the stinky, gross, muddy pig that used to be a cute snuggly puppy

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Like I said--I can see where the confusion came in! I guess I just figured that anyone who is "into " their dogs enough to join an online community just so they can learn more and be better parents to their fur baby isn't going to be someone who does heinous things like mistreat animals. So I was like "whoa...wait...mistreat my boys?!" The mama bear came out in me. Sorry. ;)

Dirt magnet?! That's a bad word! Lol.
I'm sure if we had a fenced yard, Gracie would be wanting outside all of the time. I know she wants to hang with Barkley (our 7yr old Schnoodle). He only wants to play with her on his terms. ;) But she doesn't give a care. Lol

Max is almost always filthy, I end up bathing him once a week usually (not a small task anymore as he weighs around 75lbs) I buy an all natural shampoo with no soap in it (it's an oatmeal shampoo) and he seems good with that. I also give him coconut oil on his food a couple times a week which I have read can help. It seems to help and he loves it. He was groomed on Friday and today he was running in the creek (which is muddy and gross and has ice on it but he doesn't seem to care lol). I also ended up buying a special hose attachment for the shower and that really helped a lot. I am hoping as he gets older he'll like the mud less :)

I was just looking online at the shower attachment! I think it's a "must" at this point! I keep thinking about how rainy our spring-times are here and UGH! It's gonna be a muddy puppy couple of months! Lol.

Thanks for the idea on the oatmeal shampoo! Going homeopathic would probably be my best choice for this!

Yeah the shower attachment I bought isn't the best quality one, but it does the job, and it sure makes it easier on my back and also, it's way better at getting the shampoo out. I think that's really important, leaving no residue on their skin. I also find the natural shampoos smell better, less like perfume which I'm not fond of. Another thing you could try is there is a product for horses that my trainer recommended I think it's called shoshine, and it helps to repel dirt supposedly. I haven't tried it myself as it's rather expensive but I have looked at it.

Really?! I'm looking that up! Our horse is my husband's "terrain", but I don't think that's a product we've ever had? Good to know--for Otis and Buddy (horse). :)

Maybe towel dry him and put him in an area with floor until he dries and then brush him.  I am afraid if you keep bathing, he is going to get dry skin an start itching like crazy.  My groomer told me that a person should never use pet shampoo full strength, only watered down.  Others may weigh in on this.  

Oh boy. Yep. I've been using it full strength. Darn it! Why do they sell it full strength?! Lol. Back to reading the shampoo website....

Exactly.  Like I said, this info came from my groomer so I do not know for sure that it is fact.  The next time we go in for a checkup I plan to ask my vet her opinion.  I am sorry to hear about Pete's past.  It has to be difficult.  I can understand why you do not leave little Otis alone out there.  Everyone has different experiences and Charlie and I were attacked from behind by two pitbulls when he was about one year.  It was totally unprovoked and we did not even see or hear them coming!  It scared the heck out of me and I sprained my knee protecting Charlie.  My neighbor had a similar experience at a friends who had a pit mix rehome in their home and it attacked there dog while everyone in the house was there!  It can be extremely difficult.  Good luck and please be cautious.

Yeah I may have the name wrong, but I know they sell it at the farm store here lol. 

Also where are the pictures of Otis :)

I WILL get updated (mostly muddy ;)) pics uploaded soon! My daughter is sleeping on my left arm at the moment (she's 4 and was a bear to get to sleep tonight!) so I don't want to move to get my camera and attach pics right now! Lol. I don't wake bears. ;)

Just finished with a wash & dry, same as last night, and parts of him the night before that and...

You are not alone with the mud, but on a farm it kinda goes with the territory

In the park in Brooklyn its not exactly what the Mrs wants to see coming home. 



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