Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Had to run to Lowe's today to finish up a few things on our bathroom remodel. The girls always get to go along on that because Lowe's has always let us bring them in and they get a chance to practice manners. We took care of some returns, the girls at that desk talked to the my girls, another employee came up and asked about them and wanted to pet them. Moving on, we went to look for the rest of today's needs and another employee came up and told us unless they were service dogs they couldn't be in the store. I asked him when that policy changed and he told us last week after another visiting dog attacked a child. I apologized and took the girls straight to the car, I understand the circumstances and would not argue that. I am really disappointed that yet another dog owner has gone in public and not had their dog under control...or another parent has not had a grip on their child or maybe even a combination of both. I WISH that any of the first three employees that say us and played with our dogs would have been advised of the new policy and let us know before we were that far into the store. Sad that this is a place I have to cross off the list that the girls got to go to, they love meeting people and showing off a bit.
I'm hoping this is just specific to your particular Lowes and not all of them. If you have a TJMaxx I did just learn the other day that they are now Pet Friendly. I wrote to corporate and asked the question as I had heard it was. They did say that each Manager has the option to remove any dogs that are not being handled appropriately or being loud.
Wow -- that must be a new TJX policy? I took Charlotte into a TJMaxx last year, and we were very politely asked to leave. The manager was extremely nice about it, but we needed to vacate the store, nonetheless.
I don't think you will find a bigger dog lover anywhere than I am, but I have to say that I'm not in favor of dogs in stores that sell soft goods like clothing, linens, etc. Bad enough to have Jack's hair embedded in all of my clothing and towels even when it's fresh from the dryer, I sure wouldn't want to find strange dogs' hairs in new items that I just purchased.
I was just in a TJMaxx yesterday and saw a small dog on leash. I was very surprised....but now I understand.
That's really too bad. We used Lowe's often during Murphy's training.
The CEO of MarMaxx which owns Marshall's, TJMaxx, Homegoods, etc owns a labradoodle! (the pooch is my doodle Lyric's son) He loves him so much he has gotten several from my breeder for his friends! So, no wonder they are now pet friendly! He has the best dog!
It is a shame... I agree that the blame is often shared between dog owner and child owner...
However, my local Home Depot store vacillates between allowing dogs on leads and not allowing any dogs. It would be easier for dog owners if they made one policy and stuck to it. My area often gets quite hot; it is expected to reach 90 F. this weekend. If I take Holly, expecting to be allowed into the store and she is not allowed, I can't just bring her out to the car and leave her. That means another trip without Holly.
By the way, I bought a new Subaru Forester which has an enormous sun roof. I didn't particularly want the sun roof but, I like it because in more moderate temperatures, leaving it open while parked keeps the car from getting too hot...
Yikes. I take Hurley to Lowe's all the time. Will see what happens next time But why should every dog and dog owner suffer because of one incident.
I can't swear to it but I am betting it is each stores decision. Lucky for us today was cool and rainy, otherwise we would have had to leave. I am going to give it a day or so and then call the store, I am hoping they do not keep refusing.
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