Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bailey is terrified my family and I can't understand why. He shivers so much and he's really restless and panicked.
We think it might be something with our house, because he is so desperate to get out of here. But on the other hand he's lived here with us for years, why would he suddenly get so scared of being here? We can't think of any things we've installed in the house recently. We've been trying to hear any possible noises around the house, but we can't hear anything out of the ordinary. Also we tried to shut all electricity off, but he was still so scared. My dad has taken him to grandma's now, because apparently he feels safer there. And no, no one's been cruel to him.
These are times you really wish he could speak so he could tell us what's bothering him.

Please help, we're so worried about him!

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And you can test for that too, right? I'm following your story and hope you figure it out.
If it's possible to test for carbon monoxide? I don't know, but judging by Bailey's behaviour it's something else. I thought it could be carbon monoxide at first, but his stress comes and goes, at some points of the day he can be home and completely normal. He has been normal today, but at dinner time he got a little nervous again. Maybe something is reminding him of a traumatic experience or something. Thanks for caring.

Have you tried just airing out your house?

Does it seem to be related to meal times?

They have carbon monoxide detectors that are just like smoke detectors. You find them in the same area where the smoke detectors are sold. In my opinion it is worth the peace of mind to have one. They aren't very costly either.

Yes, this was a thought I had, too. Is there a carbon monoxide detector in the basement and in the house?

That was my thought. Dogs are highly sensitive and maybe he's alerting to something that we can't see or hear. Maybe even a gas leak?

I think it might be wise to have the vet run some bloodwork on Bailey. Some of what you are describing can be symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, possible thyroid issues, or even Addison's disease. I hope not, but it would be a good idea to get him checked. 

Thank you for speculating. Maybe you're right, but why would he be okay at grandma's if he is ill?

That's a good question and I don't have an answer for you, but any time there is an inexplicable, extreme change like this in a dog's behavior, a vet visit is a good idea, IMO. It certainly can't hurt.

Yes, I think that's a good idea.

One more point on the carbon monoxide.  These more efficient furnaces actually cause pinholes to develop and the carbon monoxide escapes...we hat the problem and no idea until the furnace just kept running but not heating the house.  As soon as the furnace guy walked in he freaked out, a wonder we didn't wipe the entire family out.  Do check your furnace.

Have you checked for a gas pilot light out?



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