Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Even though we often talk about issues with our dogs, and training , medicines, the right foods, etc., I know I'm in good company here when I say after a long week there is nothing better then a good cuddle with your doodle. Grooming and training (and did I say the constant grooming?!) at times gets tiring, but I love these boys. I've never had dogs that relax in the evening with the family like my guys do.
Feeling blessed and smitten with these four legged friends tonight. I'm on my iPad so I can't attach a picture of my cuties but feel free to post lovable suggle shots if you have them. Pickles is laying on the bed with Mac and me. Brisby and Jake are in the den with hubs and the kids watching tv.

I know there are misconceptions about doodles being the perfect dogs but tonight for me and my family they certainly are.

Doodle hugs to all DKers. Hope you have a nice weekend. :)

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What a cozy scene at your house! You have a nice weekend, too! 

We had a movie night tonight. DH on one couch and me on the other. Gavin layed with me for the first half and then switched to DH for the second half. Gotta spread the love around.

The misconception we deal with at our house is the 'non-shedding', Meg is such a heavy shedder I can not keep ahead of it and at times it drives me nuts.  BUT...then it is cuddle time, and like you, I fall in love every time they come to cuddle.  I make the biggest fool out of myself over these dogs, love seeing other people that feel the same way.  Thanks for sharing.

This is for you Judy. I know you love them, sometimes I need a reminder to be thankful. This morning I have two in the pool and four more running around it. Life is good even with some inconveniences. 

So true

Absolutely the best snugglers.  Thanks for a happy post.

I couldn't agree more! Doodle snuggles make all the rest worth it :).



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