Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I should have titled this discussion, "Charlotte - Get Off The Couch," because she's the culprit here, and not innocent Wally! So, here's what's going on. Recently, Charlotte has been jumping on the living-room couch to get a better look out the front window. She does this when we are home as well as when we are out. I can correct her when I see it happening, but obviously, cannot reprimand her when I am away. Besides wanting her off of the furniture, she's been setting off the motion-sensor alarm when nobody is home, because she's at a higher level than when all feet are on the ground. In researching training options, I came upon this device, and am wondering if anybody has any experience with a product called Sofa Scram. Apparently, you lay it on your couch, and it emits a high-pitched sound when the animal's weight puts pressure on it. Here's a YouTube video of it in action:  Jerry vs Sofa Scram - YouTube  Do you think that this would work?

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Way back when Quincy was a puppy and I foolishly thought I would have a no dogs on the furniture rule I used a strip of tinfoil. It worked like a charm, when he jumped on it he jumped back off like he'd been shocked. I only kept it there for a few days and after that he stayed off the couch. Of course as time went by and I started inviting him up on the furniture because I didn't want to sit on the floor the no dogs on the furniture rule went out the window. :>) Try it when you're home and see what her reaction is. Cheap and easy.

Spud would love the crinkly sound and feel of tin foil.  He just loves loud noises.  I have a plastic tarp on one couch to keep the cats off.  Spud gets the zoomies and plays with the tarp. 

Interesting! I have no idea if it would work! Can you close a curtain over the window to reduce the need to go up there? 

Some invisible fence companies sell a collar and a device that you place on the object you wish to keep them away from--they get a beep when they get on it or too close--but in order to train them to pay attention to the beeping, they have to be shocked a bit (It is like a vibration)--once usually does it. Some people don't like that, though.

The curtains in that room are ornamental only, so while that's a good idea, it wouldn't work in the living room.  

Gracie jumps on the couch with a toy in her mouth just to drop it on the window sill that is behind the couch. She drops it, I pick it up and throw it or give it back to her. The cycle continues. Seriously they are just like children.

Have you checked the reviews of the product above?

A dog trainer once told me to get a plastic carpet runner and lay it on the sofa spiky side up. Probably cheaper.

Thanks for the suggestions. I now have a giant sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil on the couch. Since putting it there yesterday, I haven't seen her on the couch while we are home. She must have jumped on the sofa, though, while we were out, because there were all sorts of dents and dings in the foil. Time will tell if this solution works. I'll keep you posted.



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