Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Its crazy, for the past few weeks I have been thinking non stop about this site.  Thinking that I cant believe how fast time has gone and I havent posted anything about Chester in a very, very long time.  I came to this website for support, because I felt overwhelmed by him.  I had never met any puppy like that.  He seemed wild at times, like someone had forgotten to domesticate him.  He was pure energy, chewed everything, picked on our poodles, never stopped moving or creating chaos.  If you tried to pick him up or stop him, it was like picking up a tornado of teeth and razor sharp nails.  Nevertheless, we stayed the course. Finding things we could do to get his energy out.  Doing everything we could to be good dog parents.  

Boy did it ever pay off.  He started listening.  It was like a victory every time! He responded to praise.  So instead of harsh discipline, exuberant praise when he did the right thing was often much more effective.  Pretty soon we settled into our routine and couldnt have been more happy with our lives with him.  

Chester loved life.  He woke up ready to go and do and have fun.  He ADORED chasing bunnies we often have in and out of our yard.  He did love to dig for a while, but he grew out of that.  He was a big time fetcher.  Could fetch for hours and his leaps were insane.  Big air and crazy body torques.  It was a sight.  He loved the car.  Whenever we were leaving he was right there begging to go and when we took him (often) he smiled the entire time.  Loved shoving his big face out and feeling the air whoosh by.  He loved water and peanut butter and his big back yard.  But most of all he loved people.  We felt special to be his people.  

About a week and a half ago now Chester started showing signs of being sick.  He wasnt himself. Super lethargic.  We took him in for bloodwork and an x ray and everything was normal.  We had to wait a few days for the valley fever test results.  So we took him home.  Over the next day or two he got worse.  He would stop in the middle of walking and just stand there frozen.  He would lay down, but he wouldnt sleep.  He would eat, but only if I hand fed him.  We were reassured it still might be valley fever.  But I was worried sick, so we took him to another vet.  When we got there he was in the middle of one of his "episodes".  He couldnt barely get around, was wobbly when he stood and drooled constantly.  Seeing him like this broke my heart into a million pieces.  We also noticed he had a strange pulse, or small convulsion in his jaw, neck and eyes.  I even took video of it.  But the vet didnt see and still thought it was ok to take him home.  She did suspect possibly seizures and gave us an anti convulsant to give him.  We gave this to him faithfully. But it had no effect. Except to make him more tired, confused and wobbly.  He got no relief.  He layed on me all night panting uncontrollably.  By the next day I could take no more, I made an appt with a neurologist.  When I took him there though, it seemed to snap him out of it.  He showed very little signs while we were there, except a tiredness and a little wobbliness.  So I was given instructions to take more video and think about doing an MRI if the meds didnt work.  We nursed him through another night and by the next day he was so bad he couldnt move.  I rushed him back to the neuro and they hospitalized him and told me he had brain swelling.  So they used steroids to control it.  They said it helped.  He got up and started eating.  Went outside etc..  MRI was scheduled for the following morning.  I had such a peace inside.  I knew they were going to finally give me a diagnosis, and a treatment.  My boy was finally going to get relief.  But Chester didnt wake up from anesthesia.  He died right there on the table, without us.  We did go and say goodbye before they put him to sleep properly, but he was already brain dead.  I am so angry and sad.  There are no words to describe it.  It was so sudden, he was only 2 years old.  How could this have happened?? Ive been trying to grapple with it, but the whole thing just leaves me feeling sick with anger and grief.  I cannot believe he is gone.  Its just a gaping void without him.  

His final diagnosis was encephalitis of unknown origin.  Has anyone else had any experience with this? Heard of doodle having this? I am just trying to wrap my mind around this.  

I also wanted to share because if you see your dog doing any of these things, do not wait, go immediately to a neurologist and push for treatment asap.  I do not want anyone to have to see their dog suffer this way.  

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I am so sorry for your loss, Carrie.  May your sweet Chester rest in peace.

My heart hurts for you and your family.  You did everything you could to pull Chester out of his illness and he knows how much you loved him.  RIP sweet Chester.  Sending hugs and love to all of you.

Many thanks to everyone for the outpouring of support.  It has been a gut wrenching blow to me and my husband.  We miss this guy more that we could have ever imagined.  I hope no one ever has to face the same thing, but if they do maybe I have given some information that could be useful.   We got Chesters ashes yesterday and plan to scatter them at the beach, since we never got a chance to take him there and always planned to. 

If I wanted to post a tribute to Chester, what would be the best place? In discussions here or blog or what?  I still cant quite figure out this site sometimes! :)

A blog post stays longer on the front page than a discussion and would be a perfect tribute.

Thx, thats what I will do :)

Oh my goodness.  It is always heartbreaking to lose a dog, but this was awful.  My heart is crying with yours, although it does not help you.  Thank you for so clearly describing the illness as it came on.  I hope when your heart finds peace you will bring another dog into your home and heart.

There is a saying:  The Reason Dogs have Such Short Lives: When your dog dies he takes a piece of your heart and replaces it with a piece of his.  After enough dogs your heart will be all dog heart, generous, true, and without ego and then you too may go over the rainbow bridge with peace.

A blog would be wonderful.  I'm crying for you, going to the beach.  I hope it's a healing experience.

My heart breaks for you, I'm sorry for your loss.  I've never heard of this - thank you for sharing your story so we can all be more aware.  And I love your description of Chester before he became sick - I had a great big smile as I read that, you painted a great picture of him!  My thoughts are with you.

Weeping for you and your sweet boy.  You did everything possible - I'm sure Chester knew how much you loved him and that you tried your hardest to help him.  Thank you for sharing.  Hugs to you and your husband.  I know you think it's too soon to find another doodle, but be open - Chester will send the right one at the right time!

Oh Carrie, my heart is just breaking for you.

Please, know you are in my thoughts.

Terri (and Harley)

What a tragic experience--you tried so hard to save him, but i am afraid nothing would have helped--he died while asleep which was a peaceful way to go and, although it is very difficult to accept this loss, I hope that fact helps a bit. I am so sorry to hear about this and what you have been through. 

I'm so sorry for your loss. This is just heartbreaking. You did all you could, and Chester knows that.



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