Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


so my new neighbors have taken up to calling my doods "big mutts" and making comments about not understanding why anyone would spend money on a "mutt" and they just don't understand all the "hype with mixed breeds". So I played dumb and ignored it but got on Amazon and ordered this as our new door mat! (It's attached because I'm on my iPad sorry)! It just arrived a little bit ago and my neighbors have been rolling there eyes since I just put it out. I also got a magnet for my fridge just for kicks and giggles.

Cheers all!

Jess, and the "big mutts"

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I guess we all have mongrel's!!! lol

  1. A mongrel, mutt, or mixed-breed dog, is a dog that is not the result of breeding within an existing breed or to modify or create a breed and belongs to no breed.Wikipedia

Looks like Merriam-Webster got it wrong--not the first time.

I love mutts! I am a mutt! I reclaim the word....but understand that others don't like it and wouldn't call someone else's dog anything other than adorable.

Love the doormat. Mine is a little mutt and we were insulted at training class tonight. Someone actually made a comment that the yuppy goldendoodles are killing off the intelligent poodle breed. Also they got the worst of both breeds and they are all dumb as a box of rocks and most end up back at the breeders because they also destroy everything in their path. Annabelle's ears are still burning. I am just in shock. Why are people so against doodles? Sorry, I just had to vent.

It's crazy to me that people say stuff like that out loud, I always think maybe they meant to think it not say it? I mean my favorite dogs do not have to be everyone's favorite dogs, but I'm polite even when talking about breeds that aren't my favorite.

Exactly. When I was in kindergarten my school friend was killed by a neighbor dog while she was walking home from school. I am not going to say to someone that has the same breed that a dog like theirs killed my school friend. I will still be polite and act like nothing ever happened. It is not my style to behave like that.

Well, technically they're crossbreeds... I'm pure breed (100% Italian) but my crossbreed dog is worth soooo much more than I paid for him!!! :-)

According to this definition for "Mutt" you should have a picture of your new neighbors on your doormat.  

  1. 1.
    a dog, especially a mongrel.
    "a long-haired mutt of doubtful pedigree"
  2. 2.
    a person regarded as stupid or incompetent.
    "“Do not give me orders, mutt.”"
I would pay big bucks for any dog who becomes a part of my family. What they give back is more valuable. It's really no one's business what you paid for your dogs and I am shocked by your neighbor's bold rudeness. Your mat is perfect. I wonder if they'll ask how much you paid for it. It's priceless!
Lol! Just lots of eye rolling and shaking their heads, I haven't heard a single word about my "over priced mutts" though ;)

Good woman. I love the doormat. I call my two 'planned' mutts...sometimes it's easier than Labradoodle and Goldendoodle and all the questions that follow on...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! What is the problem with people that they have to judge all the time? I am sure they judge people too by some unfair standard of perfection--what the heck is wrong with people??? Luckily, my neighbors (one of whom has a doodle too!) think my dogs are gorgeous and sweet--no problems there! But I have had perfect strangers say exactly what your neighbors have said...and it is always shocking to hear...I tell them that my dog is a glorified mutt...

I love your sense of humor!    Your "Mutt" btw, is adorable!



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