Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lloyd is almost 5 months old and just got neutered. I'm trying to find him some long lasting chew treats while he recovers and has to stay calm. I got him a 2 pack of Whimzees but just saw on the wrapping stating that it's for dogs 9 months and older. I'm curious why?

I'm trying to find something that is long lasting and safe. He loves beef trachea but it's so smelly and oily that once he's done his fur is pretty gross. He's lost interest in bully sticks and he was never into his antler. Frozen kings with PB, pumpkin, and yogurt don't keep his interest either (too much work maybe). I got him highly digestible rawhide but those are gone in 5 minutes.

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The day Roomba loses interest in bully sticks will be the day hell freezes over! He especially loves the buffalo/bison ones. Probably because they are more fragrant though. I wish I could be more help but I'm looking forward to hearing other people's insight !

I would not give him any kind of rawhide, "highly digestible" or not. It's dangerous. 

Have you tried split antlers? Those seem to appeal to some dogs more than the whole ones. 

Braided beef tendons might be another idea. 

And honestly, if he loves the beef tracheas and they keep him occupied, I wouldn't care if his fur is gross, lol. A little brushing and a wet cloth will fix that.

Whimzees makes all kinds of products, not sure which one you purchased but I'd think the age guidelines might have something to do with puppy teeth versus adult teeth. 

Have you tried marrow bones (beef femurs)? We have lots of discussions here in TFG about them. Here's a good one:

Winston enjoys the bully sticks. I get them online from and they have odor free ones too--which I buy and Winston still enjoys. I generally take them away from him when they are about 4 or 5 inches -- I guess I just worry about him choking.

Anyone else let their baby chew the bully stick till it is completely gone?

I used to buy bully sticks, too but they got really food aggressive with them, so I stopped buying them. The split antlers are being used every once in a while. Although on the "not recommended # list I DO have himalayan chews and they LOVE them. They also have cow hooves which are supposedly odorless. But I think they smell like cow poop. LOL.

I'll have to double check, but I think Himalayan Chews are on the recommended list. 

They're not there, but that's an oversight. They're fine. 

Thanks, Karen! I'm glad because A they love them, B they don't smell and C they last a long time. They might not be the greatest for large dogs. My neighbor's yellow lab would finish one off in one session.

JD would polish off a 3 ft bully stick in about ten minutes, so I know what you mean. :)

Thanks for the suggestions!

Good to know about the highly digestible raw hides. I thought they were safe since they broke apart so easily.

Lloyd does have a split antler that he ignores :\  I purchased the Whimzee toothbrushes size medium. Lloyd is about 28lbs and lost most of his baby teeth except the canines (can't wait until those sharp hooks are out!).

We'll give the bully sticks another try. Lloyd is always done with the bully stick when there's about an inch or so left.  We'll give the tendons and the Himalayan chews a shot as well. Ok...I'll give in to the tracheas. We've got two left anyway. They are just sooo oily and stinky afterward. Lloyd will have to be sequestered to his crate with those.

One day I will cook up some marrow bones. I'm sure he'd would love them.

Thanks everyone!

My puppy is five months old too and has just started to like bully sticks. Before he would chew on them and then lose interest but now he loves them. My older dog always loved them so I thought it was weird at first but maybe they just need some time to come around to them?
Hi! I had the same question a few months back and someone had suggested Himalaya chew. So far it is MY favorite because it last a few days AND it doesn't smell. Cooper loves it when we heat it up after he chews it down to a small piece. It's not Cooper's favorite but he enjoys. His favorite is beef tendon. That used to last a long time. As he gets older, he chews them down quicker.

I also give him cow tail and pig's ear, both doesn't smell and he never had any issues with either.



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