Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
It was a dark and rainy night...and I wanted to get Skadi and Elli out somewhere to enjoy some exercise. I took them over to PetSmart, where I have taken Skadi dozens of times, and since we have gotten Elli, I've enjoyed showing her around petsmart. We had a great walk around the store sniffing all the treats and critters. Many folks stop us and gab and admire the doods. One of PetSmarts trainers was also visiting with us a little. I never took classes with this trainer, but she knew Skadi who has taken many of the training classes in this store. We bought some treats and a couple collars and went up to the check out. The trainer was also the checkout person. Now Skadi knows the pay for your treasures and the check out lady gives you a treat. And Skadi sits pretty for the treat. However, Elli, who is our Rescue off Craigslist and has been with us 2 years now does not know the routine. I try my very best to have my girls behave, but Elli got excited and jumped up with her paws on the checkout ...not on a person, but on the ledge of the check out counter. Before I could correct her, the trainer/check-out socked her in the chest...and yes she got down quickly.
Now I realize Elli has probably suffered worse in her 8 years because we are probably her 3rd home and I know she is "rambunctious".
I just for the life of me cannot understand what right that "trainer" had to punch my girl in the chest. Her behavior was not endangering anyone.
Am I over reacting? I can't stop thinking about this.
That "so called" trainer is totally out of line. I would definitely let the store manager know. I would never use that person as a "trainer" with the knowledge of what she did. She is the mean trainer, no part of what she did as a cashier is acceptable. I am just spluttering with with annoyance and amazement.
I was just thinking about how some dogs might have reacted to being hit or shoved. I even teach my grand children to never hit or slap or push any dog, ever! Mine have never been hit by a stranger, but even as calm and trained as they are, I certainly can not guarantee, given the perfect storm of circumstances, that one would not react or try to protect itself. One would assume a trainer would know this. And then who is in the wrong if the dog did snap at her ? The dog would be blamed. This was not smart.
Sue, you are so right! I hadn't even thought of that.
I vote out of line. Trainers should never hit a dog, period. Nor correct before the owner has a chance to. And rather stupid too -- if this had been my Murphy, she would have gotten bitten as he reacts very aggressively to strange hands coming at him fast. Don't worry -- I do NOT take him to pet stores or any other public places like that. He's a semi-rescue who we know was abused. We know and understand his triggers and avoid them at all costs!
I would have been livid. Big deal. A dog jumps up to get a treat. Big deal! I would complain. It was not her place to correct your dog. You were there as a customer, not for a class. She shouldn't be socking any dog ever.
I would be so incredbily upset by this. First of all, you didn't invite the trainer to train Elli - and second of all, even if you had, how could that even remotely be considered appropriate? And of all places Petsmart should be a safe place for the dogs to go.
I work with children. If a little kid said a bad word and I popped them in the mouth I would definitely lose my job and probably be brought up on assault charges, and rightfully so. I know some people don't think that dogs and children are the same, and I agree that they aren't. But that doesn't mean people have any more right to abuse dogs than little kids.
I wouldn't let this go. I would do my best not to be one of the "crazy" angry ladies that get dismissed because they're too angry. I might have to cool off and very rationally write it all out, but I would definitely take it to the management. At the least you deserve an apology and assurance that some retraining of the trainer will happen. I wouldn't feel guilty if the trainer found themselves in need of a new profession.
Hugs to Elli!
Oh my Doodles! So much support and vibes of love for our precious doodles. Thank-you. After giving this "way too much thought" and looking back on what was supposed to be a fun outing for me and my girls that turned sour, I have decided to write the incident down and present it to the manager. I am just hoping that this checkout/trainer ISN'T the manager...but, I guess even if she is this will help her understand that "dogs are people too!" Thank you all again for your great support...makes me and Elli feel so much, back to training that rascal LOL!
Good for you and please let us know what the reaction or reply to your letter is. Now, paws off the counter, Elli.
Good for you to stand up for your dogs.
Joani, I am just now seeing this and I am outraged! We go to Petco ( I realize this was Petsmart) a lot and my girls are used to loving on the groomer, the chairs, the managers. If any one of the new girls, (there are always new cashiers) ever dared to punch my dog, I think I might just get myself arrested! It is a store for pets by the way. Should you be expected to be punched in a store for humans? I don't think so, (not unless you were hurting someone else). I would most definitely speak to the manager and write a letter to the company as well!
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