Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Have you found a name for your soon-to-be-home Doodle? If not, how are you going about choosing one?

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Our little girl is coming home April 21, and her name is going to be Hunter ~ not very girly but my husband is a big turkey hunter and came up with it. I jumped on it in fear he would want to call her Gobble or something turkey-ish! LOL
I have decided. I will call a boy Michelangelo and a girl Angel. I'm stickin' to it! (For now.)
Patty, I have been looking at all the names here and I also have a name board taped to my frig so anyone who comes in can put a name on it, I am getting closer to a name.
Judi, I feel your pain. I made a list, but every single name on the list has turned me off one way or the other. I like Angel for a girl, but I'm not sure for the boy name. Michelangelo is out.
It's amazing how difficult it is to pick a name. We pick up our pup on 4/19, just four days from now and we still haven't decided. My daughter reminded me that she kept lists for years when she was a little girl of names for a kitten she hoped to have some day. When she finally got two kittens at 10 years old, she gave them names that hadn't even been on the list. She thought "Coco" and "Butterball" just suited them!
We've tentatively settled on Abigail (Abby) for our future chocolate doodle. I've given up the notion that she must have a name no one else has.....too limiting. Never know though....October is a few months away.
I'm 'on the move' with names again......Sumayah for a beautiful African American model, Nina for the singer Nina Simone....I am open to other possibilities.
I will be naming my little girl PHOEBE. She will be coming home on July 4th. Yahhhhhhhh
We go get our puppy in 3 days...we were on a waiting list for her birth and the past 8 weeks have flown bye ..wish I'd found this site earlier. Anyways, we spent a long time picking out a name, and decided on Bella. She was named the night she was born, our breeder posted her name on a list and 3 weeks latter, 2 more people who bought from the same litter named their pups Bella also. Hmmm.... Other names in the running for us was Naucho , Mocha, and Belle. It's a fun time picking out a name...have fun!
I was trying to find a name for my new puppy that was different than most but that seems too hard. I have looked at so many that I am getting a headache. My current doodle is named Yankee and people actually call him Yankee Doodle. That was easy but this one seems harder.

I actually started a list and I have 15 names on it even after deleting some. How do I narrow it down more? The puppy is a chocolate male GD.
How about MOOSE for a chocolate boy??? i love that name for chocos!!!!
what about a well known chocolate, but not well known name, like Hershey, etc.... It's really confusing.We thought we'd picked something different & then found out the name was popular in a teen movie....Good luck ! Let us know your pick :)



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