Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Max is 21 months old now and he is Sooo funny! He will sit and just talk to us, or if he doesn't like something, like when he's bugging for something and I tell him to go lay down...he will lay down but he will add a big sigh and then some rumbling....I can't believe how well he gets his point across!!!

I have to say that I can't get over how smart Goldendoodles are and how well Max listens. I swear he knows everything we say!!

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Well OFCOURSE Murphy Talks!! Don't ALL Doodles? You mean to tell me there are some who keep their opinions to themselves?
How about "Ruff Ruff RU! " "Isn't that I Love You? "

And the loud "HUmPH" when he plops his head down on the floor between his outstretched paws doesn't say "WhatEVer!!" ? Some days he says " I'm bored", but not often.

Or the low moaning sound he does when he is wrestling with Marley, he's sounds just like he's saying "ARRR, I'm gonna get you....gonna get you...."

And ofcourse the little whining when we first get home says "Oh, I am SO happy to see you, I was SO worried!"

But we are first met with a big "RUFF-RUFF" before we open the door that says "COME -IN, it's safe".

I could've sworn they All talk!
Agnes hardly ever barks, but she does speak with her body language. The exasperated flop is my favorite (sounds similar to Max's loud sighs). She also uses her squeaky toys to say, "Hello! Look at me!" when we are watching TV. When she does bark, it is usually in play -- "Can't catch me!"

These dogs are so smart!
Peri has a few things she likes to say:
- a high "wuh wuh wuh" to Taquito or another pup means "play with me"
- a low "grrr", followed by a "womp" means "get away from my toy now"
- a really loud "YIP" one time means "let me inside NOW"
- a low, quiet grumble with a jump and look at the door knob means "gotta go outside please"
- a sweet sigh followed by a "wooow" means "I am tired and I love you". She gazes into our eyes when she does this.
Porter woo woo woo's strangers passing outside at night.
Aruoooo when he yawns and stretches
Barks when his friends ignore him
Harumphs when he flops down
I cannot spell it, but my favorite noise is the dinosaur moaning he makes at out of reach food he would like try. We don't even have to be in the room, so I am pretty sure he is either talking to the food or just unable to contain his sounds of yearning.
Oh, and after all that, he knocks on the back storm door when he want to come inside...thankfully it is sturdy.
Aruoooo is exactly what Peri's yawn sounds like!!!!!
I like "dinosaur moaning!" I think of that sound as "a cow that needs to be milked (not that I've ever actually heard that)" but your term is WAY better!
How adorable and smart. That is so cute. These guys really are smart, aren't they?
Ollie does the same thing!!!!..He will stand in front of you and "talk"...We are so amazed with this dog, he is 8 mos. old now, but he is soooo smart and so cute and soooo funny....And I too swear that he understands everything we say to him...We talk to him like we would to another human, and he seems to understand everything...I love when he sits in that butterfly position and tilts his head, from side to side when he talks or he is listening...Brillant, I tell you these doodles are just amazing!!!!..Oh he was just weighed yesterday, and he weights 63 lbs...He is the talk of the neighborhood, everyone loves Oliver,,,,I had one person call me and ask if Oliver could come out and play, her grandson loved him, and wanted to see him again...He just loves kids, adults, other animals, Oliver loves life, and we sure love him...This goldendoodle is the joy of our lives...Even my husband is in love with him, lol....
I am 100% sure that Darwin pouts. If I take something he shouldn't have away, or don't give him any of my dinner (I never have, so this happens night after night) He goes and dramatically flops down, and stars at me with his doggy evil eye. It's hilarious.
Eddie pouts too! When I've been on the computer too long, he stretches out as stiff as a board, with his tail end pointing at me and his head under the dresser. I always tell him that I don't care that he's uncomfortable and that I know he's there, even if his head is hidden, but he keeps trying.
Guinness doesn't really talk, and rarely barks. With him it's all about the looks. He has a happy face, a mad face, a bored face, an excited face, an ashamed face, a worried face, a calm, contented face, a play with me face, and an I love you face. It's so funny how expressive his looks are. That's how I always know what he's thinking.
I have a Schnauzer who howls every time he's at the groomers. He's on the table being groomed and just starts howling. He's not in pain, not being hurt and he LOVES the staff. If they talk to him and interrupt the howling, he kisses them to death and his little tail is wagging the whole time.

But, as soon as they start grooming, he howls. It's a pitiful play howl. It's adorable. :)



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