Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Posted on April 30, 2010 at 8:57am 2 Comments 0 Favorites
Cute "hound hut they are selling for outside. The white doodle inside caught my eye!
Posted on May 3, 2009 at 2:30pm 4 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on April 3, 2009 at 7:41pm 35 Comments 0 Favorites
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Thanks for the good wishes, Susan! We brought Mo home on Saturday and she is already running the joint. :) She's a honey - already showing an independent spirit (as I like to call it!), but is a honey. Biscuit is doing very well with her and they've been playing a lot! Hope all is well in your family! Hugs to Ron, Marlow and Sloan (and you, too!).
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
My Ron is doing better each day, thank God. Still a lot of dizziness, but he's being very careful. I believe you about Sloan. When my Ron was going through his radiation treatments, Penny knew exactly how he was feeling each time he walked in the door, and she adjusted her mood to his. She was amazing, and I'll be Sloan is, too.
Glad to hear that your Ron's radiation treatments are going well... we send all our best his way! My Ron is hanging in there. He had a bad accident about three weeks ago, when he passed out (due to meds) and hit his head on a piece of furniture in the family room. Long story short, it required a hospital stay. He has a severe concussion, 22 stitches in his forehead, and some broken ribs. He's getting better but we're having to take it one day at a time. His joy comes from Biscuit's antics and loving nature. It's amazing the healing powers that dogs provide!
We're excited about the new puppy! If I had my way, all my dogs would be rescues, but not for Ron. I give in to him for now (he demands so little - LOL) but someday I'll get back to rescuing dogs. Don't know what we're going to name the new little one - since both the girls have white feet, Ron has taken to calling them "Boots." So that may be it! I'll keep you posted.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Hi Susan! I was just thinking about you guys this weekend! The new pups are now almost four weeks old - here's a link to a video the breeder took last weekend. The two lighter pups are girls, and we'll have our pick from those two. We'll get to visit them in person in about 10 days, and I'm so excited! They look so precious. The breeder is excellent and we can't wait to get a new "buddy" for Biscuit.
Hope all is well with you, Ron, Marlow, and Sloan!
Big hugs,
Darn it! I was so hoping he'd like the Red Moon. Good thing they sell sample bags, right? Hmmm... does he have any tummy problems? I didn't think Penny did until her cancer diagnosis. They put her on a tiny dosage of Prednisone and she started eating! Happy Thanksgiving and big hugs from all of us!
Hi Susan!
SOOOO wonderful to see you back on DK! I think of you often and wondered how you're doing. So sorry to hear about Lola... I think Marlow gave her some extra time on earth, don't you? Can't wait to see your new baby! Yes, Biscuit has been a joy. She joined us in February and will be one year-old in November. She's a mini Labradoodle.
Penny is doing okay at the moment but has had a difficult year. She was diagnosed with mast cell cancer in May (rare and only 15% survival rate). She went thru chemo, but we stopped all treatment and drugs when they made her so sick that we almost lost her. Since going off everything in July, she's made a resurgence and is her old self again. We're not sure how long it will last, but as long as she feels well now and is happy, that's all we want.
We miss YOU! We'd LOVE to have you return to Scottsdale. We just finished up the hottest July/August on record (35+ days of 110+ temps). But fall is right around the corner for us!
Keep me posted on how you are!
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