Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Akron, OH
  • United States
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MIZZ DOODZ's Friends

  • Alli and Barkley
  • Donna Vee
  • Lisa, Daisy & Dexter
  • Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim
  • Cherie Celedonia
  • Laurie, Fudge, and Vern
  • Jonesy
  • Nancy Schwenkner
  • Ann Kendig
  • Denise & Hunter!!!
  • Marley and Halle
  • Joanne ~ Spud*
  • Kemp Rader
  • 2SCdoodles
  • Kyoko

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Profile Information

About Me:
Live lakefront with Goldendoodle and Schnoodle ... We boat/float/swim out front when it is warm enuf! Sometimes have guests over with their Doodz... Working with several rescue groups to banish flippers, hoarders, BYB, puppy mills...TOO MANY pups being euthanized in the pounds to breed any more!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Fostered/adopted 4 yr old female GoldenDoodle named Missy, Mom AKC golden n Dad AKC cream poodle; rescued male Schnoodle named Jerry.. Once in awhile, will babyit other neighbor's Doodle or my grandson's male lab named Chase... yard is fenced...also sometimes still foster Schnoodles and/or Schnauzers... get them vetted/fixed/microchiped and after a few months of figuring out their personalities, place them...affiliated with several local rescue groups... had a Schnauzer stolen by a "flipper" last fall that got caught when she sold him next day to a gal that happen to take him to my groomer and she found his microchip and called me! Microchips are worth it...only $25! Some vets will not charge a visit fee if u can find them!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Shelter, Rescue, Rehome
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Love the goofiness of Doodles and also the prancing/trotting gait! Since I live on the water, they are perfect water dogs! Can't lift them out of the water if they are over 50# if they fall in during the winter and keep the fence up all year round expecially when the lake is frozen over!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Whatever I am doing, they are constant companions...even when on the computer...they love to sit by me down on the dock or up on top of the back seats on the pontoon boat and watch other boats/dogs and all the wildlife go by!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do...brush, trim a little every day! Have 2 groomers that come to house to do a summer clip!
Favorite Doodle Products?
Now on Holistic EaglePack...official food for Iditarod dogs. My favorites are Blue Buffalo dog food... Doodle favorites are any/all of empty soda bottles...anything that smells like my hand cream...
Relationship Status:
It's Complicated
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)


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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 12:04pm on April 30, 2011, Ann Kendig said…
Thank you for the friend request Nancy!
At 3:45pm on January 7, 2011, 2SCdoodles said…
At 7:56am on January 7, 2011, Jane, Rooney & Stuart said…
At 6:51pm on January 6, 2011, Donna Vee said…
At 3:09pm on January 6, 2011, Kemp Rader said…
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
At 7:55am on January 6, 2011, Ann Kendig said…
At 7:55pm on July 15, 2010, Adina P said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses! I'm Adina, the site administrator and I hope you enjoy our community :-) This is a great place to learn, share, and make friends! We have many fun groups and interesting discussions going on all the time, however, BEFORE you get started, PLEASE READ this note to new members:! -- it will help you get to know our site and answer many questions! Enjoy!!!
At 8:47pm on July 14, 2010, Nancie & Gracie Doodle said…
GRACIE DOODLE WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME YOU TO DOODLEKISSES…This site is awesome and you are really going to love it. Be sure to visit all the groups and join them.
DoodleKisses Welcome #2
Glitter Graphics

At 8:14pm on July 14, 2010, Kyoko said…
At 4:57pm on July 14, 2010, Kemp Rader said…
Hello Nancy,

Thank you for joining us here on DoodleKisses!! If you love doodles, you've come to the right place. This is a great site for doodle lovers....the community members are very friendly and we love to talk about all things related to doodles. I'm sure you will discover many informative discussions, specific interest groups and frequent fun contests here at DoodleKisses.

Adina (DK's creator) and the rest of the Doodle Kisses Community are a fun and supportive group. I know you'll enjoy the website & getting to know everyone as much as I do. Welcome!!

Kemp (and my four doodles)
Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver and Truman
Pataskala, Ohio



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