Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lake Girl, Lizette
  • Female
  • Conroe, Texas
  • United States
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Lake Girl, Lizette's Friends

  • Doris, Knox & Flash
  • Amanda and Quinn
  • Bonnie Lefrak
  • Rebecca Turner
  • Jeannine
  • Pauline Mooney
  • Joanne ~ Spud*
  • Lucy's Mom from GA
  • Machelle  Spivey
  • Sri
  • chastity
  • Nicole Wayne
  • Sine
  • Ginny Nightingale
  • Sally Rollins

Lake Girl, Lizette's Discussions

Updates on Molly and her Addison meds

Started this discussion. Last reply by Julie and Max Feb 9, 2014. 19 Replies

Molly is doing well.  I have been in constant contact with my vet and having his personal cell has really helped since we had a little emergency this weekend.  We go in for blood work this Friday, and will know more.   Rae was a huge wealth of…Continue

Happy New Year!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joanne ~ Spud* Dec 31, 2013. 9 Replies

Happy New Year from Lizette, Molly, and Nestle.   Hope all our Doodle friends have a great New Year and a very blessed 2014 of great health, joy, and happiness.  Again, thank you all for your support. From your TX palsContinue

Phew! Our Molly does not have a bladder infection!!!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Robin and Libby Louise Jan 7, 2014. 12 Replies

Vet said...he knows we are going through a trying time with Molly, and so understands.  Told me to call him on his cell if I am concerned about anything...anytime.  Great news our Molly does not have a bladder infection, we just have to adjust and…Continue

Back to the vet with our Molly....another problem since Addison's diagnosis

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom Jan 1, 2014. 39 Replies

Praying for my incontinence...every 30 minutes we are outside.  She pees while sleeping. Been washing constantly, cleaning carpets, etc. and cleaning her up since yesterday.  Called vet this morning and hoping we don't have a bladder…Continue


Double Your Pleasure....Double Your Fun!!

Profile Information

About Me:
Married 43 years to my High School Sweetheart, Oma for a little fella born in 2008, and little granddaughter in 2010. Retired Teacher Special Ed. I was born in the Netherlands and call The GREAT US my home since I was six. Met my hubby during my sophomore year...and that was fate was sealed. Our two doodles love our grandson and granddaughter.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Molly, a Goldendoodle second generation...she was born on Aug. 25, 2008 gotten from Rochelle Sundholm from Spring Creek Labradoodles. We got her on Oct. 24th when she was only 9 weeks old. Very quick to house break in a couple of days and extremely easy to train. She is smart, outgoing, loves people and children, and very loving. She loves my husband and stays right beside him all the time. Molly convinced us we needed another doodle in our life. We adopted our precious Nestle, an Australian Multigen Labradoodle from Kendra Vestal, Noble Vestal Labradoodles. She came to her new home on Dec. 24th, 2008...quite a Christmas present. Her birthday is July 7, 2008 and we got her when she was 6 months old. She is very loveable, mellow, calm, and a perfect fit with our Molly and our family. Nestle is a really big love bug. She loves to cuddle and kiss. Both the girls love each other and neither one tries to be dominant. Although Molly is the alpha. They sleep, literally on top of each other, play great together, and have both won our hearts. I cannot imagine life without our doodle girls. Oh, I almost forgot one really important furry girls....they love my grandson and granddaughter and are so gentle with them. Our Molly in 2013 was diagnosed with Addison's Disease, and we finally have answers to all her health issues and eating disorder.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Great Personality, Physical Appearance and Coat, Non Shedding
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We love to cuddle with them. I also enjoy taking them for a walk and watching them play together in the back yard.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Haven't had to groom yet. Probably me...I groomed our springers.
Favorite Doodle Products?
They are not allowed any toys, because I am concerned for Molly. She has had a lot of digestive issues and I only let them have a Kong round ball.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Lake Girl, Lizette's Blog

Updates on our Molly with Addison's Disease

Posted on January 27, 2014 at 7:55am 14 Comments

Well, it is quite a challenge to say the least.   This is a lot like watching a baby with special needs.   You have to work not only with test results but how your dog reacts to meds.   Titration is really tough.  We have lowered her dose of prednisone, but she still drinks in the latter part of the day and has issues at night.   We only left for an hour to go out to eat last night, and she went all over the floor and herself.  Both girls don't understand why we are putting them in the…


Be Careful to Understand Your Breed and Related Health Issues

Posted on December 28, 2013 at 1:32pm 17 Comments

THIS IS FOR ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE A DOODLE THAT HAS HEALTH PROBLEMS,  and this may help you save money and many heartaches, constant conflict, and sleepless nights, such as we have experienced.  We have experienced overwhelming anxieties concerning our sweet Molly.   Doodles are not super hybrids resilient to disease, but unfortunately, as I have learned dogs that can carry the genetic disorders of every co-mingled pedigree in their line. So, know the positive and negative traits inherent in…


Hi to all my Doodle friends/family...It has been a loooooonnnnggg time!

Posted on January 11, 2010 at 6:32am 7 Comments

Hi everyone,

I have not posted in months and wanted you guys to know that we have been through a and my doodle girls.

I spent some time in the hospital due to my illness and between parental needs (dad 90 and mom79), and our Molly's health issues I have been extremely busy. I have read a lot of the posts of late and totally agree about the decision of breeders being on the site. It is a difficult decision to pick a dog when dealing with a long distance breeder. I have… Continue

Comment Wall (89 comments)

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At 6:19pm on June 6, 2011, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…
At 6:17pm on June 6, 2011, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…
At 8:42pm on December 21, 2009, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie gave Lake Girl, Lizette a gift
Merry Christmas. I hope you are all well. Nancy and Ned in California
At 7:53am on November 26, 2009, Lynne Fowler-Oodles of Doodles said…
At 8:30pm on July 3, 2009, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…

At 3:59am on June 20, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Just checking in on you and the furkids. How is Molly feeling? Nestle?
At 4:30am on May 6, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Hi Lizette,
I am so sorry to hear that Molly has been having such trouble! It can't be easy to keep Nestle 'quiet' so Molly can heal. I can just picture you running in the yard trying to get Nestle the exercise she needs so she will let Molly rest.
How are you feeling?
Samantha & I are sending you all Doodle hugs and thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery.
At 3:11am on May 6, 2009, Lynne Fowler-Oodles of Doodles said…
At 5:21am on April 3, 2009, Louise and Toby said…
Lizette, hi, I just want you to know that I am thinking about you and hope things are going okay/better with your ailments. I have had you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope we hear an update from you soon.
At 9:20am on March 28, 2009, Sally Rollins said…
Hi Lizette, Hope all goes well, my doodles and I will be praying for you. Speedy recovery and can't wait til you are back on Doodlekisses.


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