Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As many of you know Rooney was attacked at our private dog park right before Christmas.  He got a bite on the back, a laceration in his mouth, a baby tooth snapped off at the jaw and a chipped tooth.  All of which he has recovered from, thank goodness.  The owner of the attacking dog, promised in front of several witnesses that he would not bring Bozo back into the park.  The owners offered to pay our vet bill which we declined as we live in a large golfing community and really just wanted to stay friendly and put it behind us - knowing that Bozo would not be back in the park.  At this time we had people coming to us to say that Bozo had attacked/bitten or tried to attack several other dogs.  Rooney goes to our dog park EVERY day between 3:30/4:00 till about 5:00.  Bozo's owner knows this as they have to drive past the puppy park to get to their house.  At 3:45 today as we are pulling into the parking lot I see the Bozo's owners car and I'm saying to DH "OMG is that so and so's car?"  He said he wouldn't come back.  So we get out and here comes Bozo's owner yelling "just keep Rooney in the car we are leaving".  Dear lord - I LOST IT!!!  I'm telling him (yelling) that you promised you wouldn't come back in here and he is saying that since only Baxter was there, who is Bozo's best friend, that he thought he would stop in for a bit but leave when anyone else showed up.  I told him I didn't give a rats butt why he stopped, he broke his promise, that his dog was vicious and should never be in public off leash and certainly not in the dog park.  It got UGLY.  So the guy leaves and now we are in the park and I'm so mad/upset that I can barely breath and feel like my blood pressure must be at stroke level when the a&$$ comes back!!!!!!!  Now we are inside the park and I'm yelling that I'm reporting this, that I had tried to be nice and that the dog lost it privileges when it bit my dog.  He said "Bozo has only bit 3 dogs.  What the heck?!!!!  The whole thing turned into huge drama and I am having a glass of wine trying to calm down but having no luck.  The owner's wife is a big time real estate salesperson here and he rides her coat tails, think he's hot stuff, owns the place, etc.  So, of all the people that have had to deal with the jerk, I'm the only one willing to stand up and say enough!  Of course they are way higher on the social scale so now I'm going to be talked/gossiped about but guess what - NO ONE is going to threaten me or my dog!!!!  He is messing with the wrong gal!   I went to the guard house and they got the boss on the phone who assured me that Bozo's owners have already been warned and will be getting a registered letter tomorrow banning their dog.  Wishing I could MOVE.        :(

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Good for you Jane! I would do the exact same things. I have friends who have totally given up on dog parks because they never know what type of dog/owner is going to walk through the gate. You don't always have a chance to find out before your dog is attacked. It's not the best situation. But I am glad that Rooney is healing--I had not heard about the attack.

Jane you did the right thing for everyone.  It is to bad the previous victims didn't have enough $@$$$ to stand up to the jerk.  Once a dog has shown aggression like that it just intensifies with each attack.  Whether Bozo is at the park, on a walk or even in his home, he has become unpredictable.  If Bozo is allowed to continue being aggressive he will eventually go for the KILL.  It needs to be dealt with before it happens.

Recently someone I know had to deal with one of her dogs that became aggressive towards the other dogs in her household.  Mary tried everything possible to change the behavior.  Keeping the dogs separated and taking turns with them.  Working with a behaviorist and slowly allowing them to interact.  Unfortunately none of this worked.  Mary let her guard down, the dog fatally injured one of the other dogs and she ended up losing two of her dogs. 

So if you think about it you’re a HERO!  You saved another dogs life or a kid from having scars for life.


I didn't read all the pages of responses, but I have a question for you.


Did Rooney show any emotional effect after being attacked? Is he fearful or more cautious when going into the dog park now? My Sunny was bitten on the face once at our dog park and now she no longer runs full force into the park- she acts very shy until she knows that the other dogs are going to be nice. If she thinks they might hurt her, she won't play at all and I have to take her to the small dog area.

We took Rooney back into the park the very next day at a time that I knew no one would be there.  I never gave him a chance to think it was about the park, he loves to go there and we go every single day.

I have a bad temper. I would have been furious to see him at the dog park too. It sounds  as though he was watching out for anyone coming into the park while his dog and its friend were playing so that he could remove his dog before another incident happened. It's easy to personalize his behavior thinking that  he was just watching in case you came in but his dog has bitten at least three other dogs, so he would have to watch for several people he likely promised the same thing to.  I have to say that it is good that he continues to exercise and provide safe fun for his dog. Could you approach him and his wife and let them know that you are upset about the WAY you said some of the things that you said. Ask them to forgive your outburst and hopefully understand that the incident with their dog was very tramatic and all the emotions were triggered by having HIS promise broken and seeing their dog in the park.

Then ask them to discuss a solution so that everyone can use the park safely. Maybe suggest a meeting with the board that takes care of the park so there is more input from other owners as well. One solution is obviously a muzzle. Suggest that you don't want to take the matter any further and want to trust that they are doing all they can to control their dog. Saying it would continue to be too stressful to have to contact the park or the animal control wouldn't hurt. That way they get the idea that you will take the next step if you have to.


Hindsite is 20/20 

I think you were right to be angry and emotional. But now you could alleviate some of your stress and regain some dignity by being the bigger person and taking responsibility for your actions.


I have been here too many times myself. I have a huge disgusting trucker mouth when I GET MAD. It happens all the time that my message that has merit gets lost because I deliver it in such a bad way. I wish that I could always try and settle myself down BEFORE any confrontation. I may not win but I would feel better about myself and I wouldn't give the people who really should be feeling badly about their actions a way out of dealing with the matter at hand.


I am sorry that you had to go through this at all. It sounds as though you are a strong enough person to get this issue solved though.

UPDATE # 2.  After dropping Rooney off at his puppy sitter I head to our club house as this is my ladies golf day.  Who should be walking through the parking lot just as I am heading in the opposite direction?  Yep - Bozo's owner.  I am almost past him (I wasn't going to say a word) but the jerk just started right in.  Blaming me!  I'm a bad neighbor, blah blah blah.  This time I didn't lose my temper - I just told him he had only himself to blame for not keeping his word.  Off I go to the driving range to get warmed up and here he comes riding in a cart with his golf partner.  I stopped way off to the left side - they went way to the right.  BUT then "HE" walks all the way over next to the spot next to mine even though there were spots down where his golf cart was.  So I'm just trying to hit balls and he starts AGAIN.  I finally just said "If you say one more word to me about this ever - I'm calling Lee Co. Animal Control and then your dog is going to have a record."  Dear goodness - I hope this is the END of it.  This man is a bully and I will not be putting up with it, he is messing with the wrong person this time. 
I am so horrified that this is happening to you! It breaks my heart that you are now being attacked verbally. I really wish you would let the county know about this. Clearly Bozo's owner is not planning to be a responsible pet owner and keep his dog under control if he thinks this is in any way your problem. That dog and owner need to be reported for the sake of the next victim. Bless you for trying to get through this on behalf of all the dog owners that frequent that park. May you rest knowing you are doing your best to keep dogs safe.
How in the heck does this jerk think he is in the right? My guess is that he is so defensive because he knows he is in the wrong. People who know they have done something wrong are always more defensive! What did he say after to threatened to call Animal control? I hope it shut him up for good.
What a bully!  It sounds like he's raised his dog to be a bully, too.  I hope he leaves you alone from now on.
What a total jerk!  He's not willing to take responsibility for his own wrong actions, and worse--he's blaming you!  I really hope he'll let it go, but he IS a total jerk, so he'll probably be in your face about something else, just to retaliate.  Not a happy situation, but you're handling it like a champ! 
I'm wondering if this jerk's "big time real estate salesperson" wife is aware of his (and Bozo's) behavior.  It seems to me that her professional reputation might be at stake.  If this guy continues to dog you, forgive the pun, you may need to get a restraiing order that would keep him X number of feet away from you.  On the upside, your Rooney probably loves you even more for being such a great protective mom.  Hang in there... this too shall pass.
Oh no, Jane!  You have gone above and beyond the point of being kind and fair!  What the HECK does ONLY 3 dogs mean?!!!  I say how 'bout you rip him 3 more a$$ h_l_s!  It's only 3...  There's my NEW YORKER coming out! Money can't buy you class and he HAS NONE! I think you have truly been wonderful... he's the JERK!  Maybe, just maybe, when people hear what TRULY happened.. HE'LL be the one gossiped about! GEESH!  You just keep coming on here, girlfriend and blow off as much steam as you WANT!!!!!



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