Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We have the opportunity to take in a 5 mo old goldendoodle. We have a 15 mo. gd boy. We are trying to get a feel for what it would be like with 2 dogs. Those of you who have 2 what do you love about it? What are some of the challenges? Why did you decide to get another?
Thanks so much for your input! This is always the first place I come to when looking for info and support :)
We decided that we are not the best family for this little gal. I appreciate all the input and honesty. Not everyone in our family was in favor of having 2 dogs at this season of life and we all need to be committed to her. So, I am hoping to help the family find a great family that will be her forever home.
I so appreciate the honest feedback. It helped us make an informed decision and not get caught up in how cute she is!
Thanks again, Doodle Kisses Community!
You all ROCK :)
If you have TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY then have two is twice as good as having one. It takes more time for grooming and walking, more money for vet and food and just overall more energy keeping up with two. It is harder for one person to take two dogs somewhere but no harder for 2 people to take them. We got ours at the same time so I can't compare how it felt going from one to two, just having two.
We have always had two dogs, so it is second nature. Our second doodle Lacey is the result of us being 'foster failures'. Just get use to getting stopped twice as often by people when you are walking two.
I got Oliver when Sasah was 10 months old and Ollie was just a baby @ 11 weeks. I got another doodle because I felt Sasha needed some canine company and I always had two dogs. It was the best thing I ever did. As Lucy says below it is more work when you are single (which I am) for one person to have two dogs vs. two people and 2 dogs. It is more time consuming as far as walks because I cannot walk both of them together yet because Ollie still pulls a bit and he is in training and at 17 months he is still very much a puppy. He does great with me and him on walks but with Sasha they get too playful together but we are working on this. The extra vet, food and toys is obvioiusly twice the amount but I feel is worth every red cent and then some. I absolutely love having two dogs and would like to adopt a rescue some time in the near future. I devote most of my time to my dogs but then again I love being with them, taking care of them and totally enjoy their company.
I don't have 2 doodles but I have 4 dogs. They form a family. They keep each other company. Sometimes they fight. When I am tired, they never are. More love! Lots of vet bills and extra food bills. Lots of poop! Tons of kisses.
I had only one dog for many years. When I finally added the second doodle it was almost as if a weight was lifted. The responsiblilty of being the only play thing, company and companion was a tad less in our everday world. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I feel left out, and in the beginning the puppy would rather have Buddy around than me..... But eventually everyone bonded. Now I have two lap dogs because my standard now wants to share my lap thanks to a little bit of jealousy :) At least I know they are not lonely having each other to keep company in the day since DH and I work. They run around the house and yard like lunatics at least twice a day, and enterain us always.
Training was a little easier with Buddy helping, but obedience was still something I did with each one of them alone. Two classes for a while until Kona caught up, then I would take one one week and the other the next week. Now after almost 4 years I can take them both. After she caught up in obedience the walking them both together was a breeze. I take them on vacation just me and the two doods no problem. I would probably never have a single dog again if I could help it.
We have been lucky in the vet area (knock on wood) minor ear infections for one, and only check ups and vaccinations for the other. But this is probably the area I most worry about. Good luck with your decision :)
I also love having two doodles and even kept Lyric's pup so now I have three--that does get to be a bit much sometimes and it is expensive, but I love it when they are all hanging around in the yard playing. For thirty years I had one dog and now I would never go back to that. It was a breeze training the puppy because he just does what his mother and "Auntie" do.--If you have the resources, I say go for it--it will seem a bit crazy at first, but in the long run, you will not regret it.
I am going to put a spanner in the works and say different to everyone else....
I recently moved in with my inlaws, with DH and our 3 cats and 2 1/2 year old doodle. My inlaws got a 7-9 month old Akbash puppy a few weeks later. I always wanted a second dog, but now I have decided Cooper will be an only dog (I may get another cat at some point instead, shhhh dont tell DH!)
Cooper loves to play with Abbey, but is done way before Abbey is. Abbey will bite and chew Coopers fur, especially her feet, preventing Cooper from getting away. Cooper will go into her crate and Abbey will stand at the door and put her head in to try to reach Cooper (thankfully Abbey isnt particularly dominant so wont actually go in Coopers crate). Cooper being 2 1/2 has slowed down and needs/wants more sleep than the crazy pup! But she also isnt dominant enough to tell Abbey to leave her alone.
Its alot more work for me (and my MIL does most of the work with Abbey) getting them both dried off and clean after a walk in the mud is a huge chore, they constantly need watching (or at least the pup does).
If you are home all the time, and dont have kids at home, then I can see it being worth it, but right now I AM home all the time (no kids but Im studying) and if I was doing all the work (or even half of the work for the 2nd dog) it would NOT be worth it to me (I do do most of the work with Cooper, DH will perhaps take her potty last thing at night and feed them maybe once a week).
Maybe Im selfish. Cooper is my dog, not Abbeys dog... if you know what I mean. I make sure Cooper and I spend lots of alone time together (walks and she often comes to the office with me). And my MIL does the same with Abbey, to keep that special Mommy - Doggy bond. if your the sole doggy caregiver, to 2 dogs, they may end up more interested in each other than in you. And thats not why I got a dog!
Rooney was my first love, a too smart mini doodle who was too child like. I hated leaving him home alone - felt like I was leaving a toddler. Stuart was the BEST thing we did. We love him seperate from Rooney for a lot of different reasons but the side effect was that Rooney has a buddy - a best friend - a source of irritation - lol. There is twice the doodle love at our house and I wouldn't have it any other way!!!!! P.S. Send money because the vet bills are now double. LOL
I have 2 doodles too. When Lucy was a year old, we decided to get another one (Ethel). I felt Lucy needed a playmate and someone to run around with. We just couldn't tire her out enough. They are inseparable. Yes, two are a lot of work, but I raised three daughters who are all grown and out of the house, and this is nothing compared to that. HA
I have not read the replies yet on purpose. I had my mom's puppy stay with us from week 8 until 17 weeks. I adore Molly Rose. Love her to pieces. Jack did better with her then I could have imagined but for me, a second dog is not in my future, and I am not sure I will ever be a two dog person.
One of the issues is, it is not the cost of double the food, flea and tick medications and health insurance, it was double the attention that I had an issue with. Jack and Molly played well together outside, but inside, they both wanted what each other had.....
I always felt guilty that one of the dogs was not satisfied or that I should be giving them more attention. I never felt like I could go somewhere with one and not the other.
I will say, if you plan on leaving your dog home a lot like when you work, I would get a second dog for them to bond with. I think the company would be good for them. I am home all day most of when I go out Jack usually goes with me, or goes on a play date. I sorted created this routine and now I am stuck with it..
I love when Molly comes to play, but I love even more when it is just Jack and I.
Stacy, I love both my dogs and they do entertain each other. However, be prepared to do individual training with each, which means one has to be left home. To me, that is the hardest thing about having two dogs. The other thing is Fudge will be 3 in a month and likes to sleep much more than Vern does (2 in January). He only takes cat naps and is good to go and sometimes Fudge is done playing. From day one, my two have gotten along and played well together.
Thank you so much for all the honest, heartfelt replies. Because this is a long term decision we are discussing and getting input and you all have added much to our discussion. I am grateful to have a community that I can turn to that will be honest and open. You all ROCK! I will let you know when we decide!
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