Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jennifer,Chloe & Myla
  • Female
  • Cudahy, WI
  • United States
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Jennifer,Chloe & Myla's Friends

  • Bailey's mum
  • Michelle & Ruepunzel
  • Karen and Bosco
  • Miss Ellie
  • Alicia CDOTSD
  • Kristin and Sophie
  • Jenna Burnett
  • Bethany & Nikita
  • Marie B Rose
  • Kerri and Wrigley
  • Wendy and Myla
  • Jeanne Oslund & Murphy
  • Di and Maddie
  • Lauren and Hank
  • Mary Jo Truax

Jennifer,Chloe & Myla's Discussions

Myla's licking spot?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla Jan 4, 2015. 9 Replies

Hi everyone, I did a search on hot spots and the forums all refer to the vet.She was licking herself on her left shoulder, just under her ear. I checked it out and was horrified at what I saw, since…Continue

Chloe is under the weather & I have to leave for work soon...update

Started this discussion. Last reply by Donna K & Quincy Sep 3, 2014. 22 Replies

we called our vet today and they said to just watch them, it was probably something they ate and as long as they eat and drink good they should be fineSo I got home from work early and DH said she…Continue

Pet Plan renewals...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla Mar 4, 2014. 6 Replies

Hello, everyone!So the end of February was our automatic renewal for Pet Plan for both Chloe & Myla. I received an email saying that it was about time to renew and to make any new changes to my…Continue

Tags: insurance, pet

Would you pay $50 for this????

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynette Main Apr 21, 2013. 29 Replies

Lap Pillow for Pets (Germantown)…Continue


Jennifer,Chloe & Myla!


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At 6:03pm on July 18, 2015, Joani, Skadi & Elli said…

Wow...your page is wonderfully decorated.  I love your songs too...and all your cute picture after cute picture.  I am trying to add music to my page but have yet to figure it out.  How did you do all those cute paw prints for wallpaper?  

At 9:54am on December 14, 2014, Three Doodle Life said…

Hi Jennifer! I just got your Christmas card today and those girls of yours look so cute! I love the tinsel scarves! :-) Thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday season!

At 9:00pm on December 11, 2014, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I got your darling Christmas card today.  Your girls are adorable.

At 11:08am on December 11, 2014, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Thank you for the adorable Christmas card! Merry Christmas!

At 4:50am on February 1, 2014, Lisa, Daisy & Dexter said…

Ha ha, yes Jennifer she got used to morning he was laying in the snow when we came out, taking a nap I guess, Daisy rushed up to it sniffing all over it. I think she felt sorry for him. He was blown over a couple of times, rough winter here too. I think next year I will get tent spikes instead of the little ones they included.

Right now the doodle is in the garage waiting to be put away....way too cold to do it now.

Hope all is well with you and yours and Happy New Years back at cha!

At 6:13pm on January 26, 2014, Debbie Daniels said…

how adorable your doodle's are and I love your song cute !!! 

At 5:12am on December 21, 2013, Lisa, Daisy & Dexter said…

Thanks Jennifer as I was hanging your card I realized how very sweet your girls are. The card is adorable.

Merry Merry!

At 2:07pm on December 17, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

LOL...Loved your Howliday card. Those blue bows and cute scarves are adorable on your girls. Have a Merry Christmas!!

At 8:08pm on December 15, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Ha ha ha ha.  We have some of those pics also - oh wait!  I deleted them because all I got was a tail or a flash of blurry fur!  :-}

At 9:00pm on December 14, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Oh Jennifer, your girls are so darn cute and look like they are ready to party!  Your card is adorable!  Happy "Howl"idays to you too:)  Sooo cute!

At 6:06pm on December 6, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Loved your card.  Your girls have such big personalities - it shows in every picture!

At 1:23pm on December 1, 2013, Rae said…
Jennifer...If all else fails I will print off the labels for you and mail it to you! I can't stand the thought of you not getting the labels! Please let me know ASAP! Thanks.
At 1:10pm on December 1, 2013, Rae said…
Hi, I just opened the DRAFT ADDRESS LIST on my IPad and only got the first page, but when I opened the attachment on my PC (Windows) I get all three pages. The fist two pages each contain 30 addresses and the last page is just 3 names. The list is done using the "Word" program. What kind of program or computer are you using? We have to find a way to solve this! BUMMER!
At 11:00pm on November 18, 2013, Lisa, Daisy & Dexter said…

Hi Jennifer, Daisy is hoping that Christmas Doodle Dog doesn't hold up to the weather either! In fact she even gave it a little growl yesterday when she came back in from outside. Ha ha.

I really do miss DK but it's amazing how much I get done since I don't spend so much time here. + Daisy doesn't stare at me from the doorway any longer to "guilt" me off. Ha ha

Good to here from you, hope all of you are having a happy. healthy Holiday Season.

Hugs, Daisydoole and Me.

At 2:48pm on July 21, 2013, alice henley said…

Hi, just wanted to say I loooove your page!!!!!!!

At 7:47am on July 8, 2013, Amy, Cubbie & Ollie said…

Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

At 12:30am on July 6, 2013, Lisa, Daisy & Dexter said…

Thank you girls for the birthday wishes!

At 7:16pm on July 5, 2013, Kyoko said…

Thank you so much for the birthday wish!!

At 6:41pm on July 2, 2013, Sheila & Finnley said…


Hope it was a doodlie fantastic day !

At 5:32pm on July 2, 2013, Donna K & Quincy said…

Happy Birthday Jennifer, we don't see enough of you guys anymore. Hope you have a great day.

Profile Information

About Me:
I love doodles, I could look at pictures all day, they come in so many different coats but all seem to have the same funny and smart personality. I live in Wisconsin in the Milwaukee area.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have 2 mini goldendoodles Myla (16 lbs.)5 years old~and Chloe (24lbs) and 6 years old. They are nonstop entertainment,but the little one picks on the older one and is stingy about toys. She is also a licker-always. We had our battles with Chloe as a pup, she chewed on EVERYTHING now she is settling down to be a huge love bug. Don't know that Myla will ever settle down. We also have a cat Spunky who is 16 he's not a dog loving cat!! Maybe it's just Chloe? Myla loves and protects her cat brother!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Mostly because of my allergies. I do quite well with them. I have a cat that I'm allergic to but the dogs keep him upstairs by chasing him. After meeting a few older doodles after we got Chloe I was so excited to see how she would turn out being a mini..."CRAZY!!"
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We finally got a fenced in yard so we love to play ball and I just got an agility kit for the summer for them to play with and hopefully learn something outdoors. Mostly I love to snuggle with them on the couch and take them on trips to PetSmart everyone knows them there since Chloe walks in on her hind legs, everyone just stares in awe she does that a lot
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I groom Chloe at home and Myla has Petsmart (wooly with an attitude!)
Favorite Doodle Products?
NYLABONES were our lifesaver,until Chloe cracked her tooth and had to have a root canal! Chloe will destroy ANY toy within 5 minutes so it's tough to find toys! Myla gets all the GOOD toys when Chloe is out on her walks checking in with her peeps. She has a favorite red ball that she will not let out of her sight. If she's sleepy she will lay on it so nobody can take it. She also takes it to bed with her and sometimes out to potty with it in her mouth!
Relationship Status:

Jennifer,Chloe & Myla's Blog

Happy Birthday Chloe!

Posted on March 23, 2013 at 3:46am 21 Comments

Hard to believe my naughty crazy Chloe is 6 today!

Sadly I have to work the weekend so I guess it's movie watching with dad all day. She would much prefer going to see her peeps at PetSmart! Maybe when I get home she can go for a car ride there.

Time flies by so fast yet some things never change...still can't put the toilet paper on the holder, still can't leave a blanket out on the couch, or a kleenex peeping out of the box, or our cat's 2 gates open, or Myla's red ball…



Posted on January 21, 2013 at 5:34pm 20 Comments

Hard to believe that little Myla is 5 today! Time flies by so fast. She's been a little spitfire from the beginning and that's why we love her so much! Chloe loves her too, but she's always looking at us wide eyed like Myla's crazy! I had  off of work today and we just layed on the couch watching stuff on our DVR that we have fallen behind on. We couldn't go anywhere with them since it's 4 degrees out so after dad got home we gave her her…



Posted on July 5, 2012 at 5:30pm 16 Comments

HI everyone, it's been awhile. Lots going on and no time to keep up. So I was off work quite awhile before finding a new job, lots of doodle time, extra yard play,walks and potty breaks. Then it happened...I got a job at a hospital and had 2 weeks before I actually started. I spent a lot of that time snuggling with my girls, they were used to having me around all day and then all of a sudden they are alone all day long. I leave in the morning and I see Chloe poke her head out the blinds…


5 YEARS~of doodle love!

Posted on March 24, 2012 at 5:53pm 25 Comments

Five years ago  we ran to the store for some paper towels and came home with my precious little Chloe! My first "own" dog.

Actually we put a deposit down and ran all over town for supplies and came back for her. I told DH that we should have called her "BOUNTY" Anyway, I am so grateful to have found her and then better late than never found all of you doodle lovers too! Chloe changed our lives so dramatically, I really hated leaving her alone all day and a year later I found Myla and…


My new t-shirts came today...

Posted on January 27, 2012 at 9:31am 16 Comments

Just wanted to share my 2 doodle shirts I ordered-they were half price so I couldn't resist getting 2!…


Baby Myla is 4 today!!!!

Posted on January 21, 2012 at 5:48pm 29 Comments

My baby girl is 4 already:(

Still has ALL the energy of a puppy, still jumps around like a cat, still loves to lick, lick, lick.

I think Myla will stay the way she is. She came and took over Chloe's house-steals all the toys-takes the best seat during movie time-jumps on top of Chloe to get to where she wants to go and I could go on and on. Chloe is a trooper! It's true that no two dogs are the same! 

Myla came to us with an underbite and the runt of the litter but we…



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